Anna Gregoline | December 16, 2004
If you could change one thing about your childhood, what would it be?

I wish I had been allowed a little more freedom - I felt like I was too restricted in activities, etc. I was allowed to participate in. It made me a more hesitant person that I would have liked - I've overcome it now, but it took awhile.

Lori Lancaster | December 16, 2004
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | December 16, 2004
I did lots of after school activities, I'm not talking about that - I mean things like going on trips with other families, etc.

Scott Hardie | December 19, 2004
We've been around this block before, but I wish I'd been given more chores. I was allowed to weasel my way out so many household duties that today, just putting a load of dishes in the dishwasher seems like a Sisyphean torment. On the other hand, it has made me an expert at weaseling out of things. :-)

Of the things I regret from my teenage years, the biggest is a phase I went through during my junior year of high school, where I was possibly the most arrogant, conceited son of a bitch on Earth. I mouthed off to a lot of people, but one friend (Lori's long-ago ex-boyfriend) in particular, and since I lost contact with him shortly thereafter, one of my lingering worries is that all these years have gone by and he still thinks I'm that stuck-up jerk from 1994. Someday I hope to see him again, if only to say how much I regret my former attitude.

(In the interest of full disclosure, I still have flashes of arrogance today when the sin of pride gets the better of me, like when I stupidly called myself the "only 100% atheist" on TC (link) — a moment I vividly regret — but even if I lose a battle here and there, what's important to me is that I'm fighting my best to win the war and become a humble person.)

Anna Gregoline | December 20, 2004
Awww, the link doesn't work for me.

Scott Hardie | December 20, 2004
It was the "Why Do Atheists Care?" discussion, Society Zone, 2003.

Lori Lancaster | December 20, 2004
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | December 24, 2004
Yeah, I know. But that would be awkward, getting in touch just to say that. On the other hand, I could wait until we both attend the same high school reunion, which will only take 30 or 40 years.

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