Jackie Mason | March 7, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | March 8, 2004
Jackie, I agree that if more pastors really tried to connect with their congregation, that people would be more involved with religion. When I was growing up, we had an awesome priest that was really personable and was fun to listen to. Unfortunately, he retired. Most of my problem with my Catholic church though was that it is such a rigid service. The only part I ever really enjoyed was the singing. Sometimes I wish I'd been brought up in a Baptist singing type church - I think I would be a lot more religious today.

Melissa Erin | March 10, 2004
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Jackie Mason | March 10, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | March 10, 2004
I've always felt that if you're going to celebrate God and life, you should CELEBRATE. Church never held enough meaning for me because the ceremony was so solemn. I would have identified more with more music, more joy. Joyousness, happiness, exclamations of being alive - that to me is God.

Melissa Erin | March 10, 2004
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