Jackie Mason | December 5, 2003
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | December 5, 2003
You might want to get a second opinion (such as the support FAQ from Maxis), but I think you can manually backup the files. Go into "c:\program files\maxis\the sims" and copy the UserData folders to another place on your computer. After you reinstall, copy those folders back to where they were, overwriting the new versions, and the game should work. I can't guarantee that this will be successful, however. :-(

Jackie Mason | December 5, 2003
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | December 5, 2003
Computers sure are frustrating. I missed the Sims boat, but I'll probably want to buy Sims 2 when it comes out. Although, I seem to have so little time to play computer games lately, so maybe it's not worth it. I still haven't explored SimCity Rush Hour to the fullest.

Denise Sawicki | December 6, 2003
Jackie, I'm a new Sims addict myself and have already had my share of problems. Copying the UserData folders and putting them back in worked for me but like Scott says you never know if it'll always work.

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