Scott Hardie | June 28, 2011
The Los Angeles Times just ran an interesting true-crime profile of a man caught up in a custody dispute taken to criminal extremes. It's a good story. Read part 1 and part 2. If you were the prosecutor, would you try to bring a case against either party in the end?

Denise Sawicki | June 29, 2011
Er, the woman - it would be nice if she could be held accountable - why prosecute the man again for something he's been cleared of? :)

Scott Hardie | July 2, 2011
I worded that poorly. I meant more like, "would you have brought a case against either party at any point?" I was trying to conceal the ending, but I shouldn't have bothered because it's pretty obvious throughout. :-)

Scott Hardie | July 27, 2011
Ok, last one for a while: Another interesting case of guilty until proven innocent. Like many true-crime tales, it would make for a great episode of Law & Order.

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