Scott Hardie | February 20, 2011
A lot of fuss has been made twice over Serene Branson's spouting of nonsense at the Grammy presentation, first for how silly the video was and then for how sociopathic we're all becoming for having the sick sense of humor to laugh at a poor woman suffering a medical emergency.

Analysis is Kryptonite to humor, breaking its spell and imposing inhumane agendas on its proponents, so allow me to defend them. How many people watching the video for the first time realized that she was having a genuine, serious medical episode? It sure looked like nerves to me. We all get nervous speaking in public. We've all flubbed a speech no matter how prepared we thought we were. Strange things have come out of our mouths when we've trembled with anxiety. It happens. Life's funny like that. We laugh about it later. Serene Branson jokes about it already. Nobody was hurt, the show went on, and there's no reason to condemn our societal decline over something this silly. Can we all get back to talking about very serious news now?

Amy Austin | February 22, 2011
Um.... actually, I could tell. And I didn't think it went viral for being humorous, either. That said, I wouldn't expect 100% of people to realize it, and I'm glad that she's received the appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

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