Scott Hardie | October 7, 2001
saw some British comedy on PBS earlier tonight. It was weird in that I enjoyed it.

Normally I don't like British comedy. Monty Python is one of the most overrated cultural icons I've ever known. Douglas Adams I respected, but did not like. (To be fair, props must go here to Eddie Izzard, and I'll mention Billy Connolly even though he's not really British.)

Anyway, I've heard of "Are You Being Served?", but I'd never actually seen it before. The characters had a discussion that placed the episode in 1975, but it was still pretty damn funny. Double entendres out the ass. Some obnoxiousness like in American sitcoms, but most of the characters on the show were smarter than me (unlike with our shows). And it was on PBS, so there were no commercials. I may have to tune in if I ever happen to be watching PBS on a Saturday night again. ;-)

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