Scott Hardie | May 11, 2007
It's rare to find anyone who would admit that the neverending blood feud in the Middle East has become cartoonish, but now it has done so in an almost literal way, with Hamas's introduction of a children's TV show on the subject. Yep, that's right, the Mickey Mouse stand-in tells kids to do their homework, eat their veggies, and blow up the Jews. Even the Onion couldn't make this up. (news story)

Jackie Mason | May 12, 2007
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | May 14, 2007
Boy, Jackie, that sure is a good point. I've felt sick watching this, but is it much different from an adult telling a child that gay people are evil? At least most people in the U.S. I would think aren't advocating violence towards "the enemy," or at least I would hope.

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