Anna Gregoline | January 24, 2004
Do you think it's wrong to choose the sex of your baby? Tragic Comedy friends, weigh in.

Scott Hardie | January 24, 2004
No. Maybe it's wrong on a very grand scale, in the don't-screw-with-nature sense. But I cannot deny any would-be parent the freedom to make such a choice for themselves.

Anna Gregoline | January 24, 2004
What about a society like China, where they prefer boys, and now have an imbalance?

Scott Hardie | January 24, 2004
Nope. But then again, I wouldn't have outlawed having multiple children anyway.

Lori Lancaster | January 25, 2004
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | January 25, 2004
Good point. Those superstitious practices are still in full use today; two friends of mine recently tried to conceive a daughter that way. This scientific method is expensive but worth it for the parents who want it. I wonder if the company gives refunds when the wrong gender is occasionally born?

Anna Gregoline | January 26, 2004
Nope, no refunds. And it's harder to get a girl, apparently, if I remember correctly.

Lori Lancaster | January 26, 2004
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | January 27, 2004
Harder to get a girl using this method, I meant.

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