Scott Hardie | October 31, 2009
After campaigning against the secrecy of the Bush administration and promising "the most transparent administration in history," the Obama administration is now trying to block the release of information gained by wiretapping of questionable legality during the Bush administration. (link) Does this surprise you? Amuse you? Disappoint you?

I wonder how much the answer depends on your opinion about classified documentation. I think most people can agree that some classification is necessary to protect sensitive intelligence, and that some parties in government abuse classification to protect their interests or the interests of others. But I've heard it argued that all government documentation should be classified and our leaders should be free to invoke state-secrets privilege at any time and not be challenged because it impedes their effectiveness, and I just can't see the wisdom in that. Zero accountability permits severe corruption. They work for us and we must be able to hold them responsible. For every step forward the government takes by releasing information like the files on JFK's assassination ahead of schedule, it takes another back, like the Patriot Act. I'm curious about your opinion of this principle.

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