Jackie Mason | November 14, 2006
[hidden by request]

Denise Sawicki | November 14, 2006
Hmm, looking like your boss, is that bad or something? :) I agree on Amy's photo.

Jackie Mason | November 14, 2006
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | November 16, 2006
Heh. Funny thing is (and I already told Scott this)... my new photo is just a direct flat scan of my new government ID (called a "CAC" -- or common access card -- in our circles... hopefully, that isn't any kind of secret information that will make me have to kill everyone here ;-D). Since I don't have any pics of myself handy, and I liked the way my ID turned out, I just decided to test my scanner with it. So, since it isn't exactly a top-quality photo to begin with (done originally in just the same way driver license and other such IDs are done) -- and it's also depicted slightly larger "onscreen" -- that is why the "pre-50s/colorized" quality that you describe. Thanks, and I liked it, too -- sort of "mysterieuse" I thought. ;-) And it is officially the most recent photo taken of myself.

Mike Eberhart | November 16, 2006
Amy, you just told them a huge secret.....!!!!!!!! Just kidding. My CAC picture is pretty bad on my ID. It hardly looks like myself. Probably because the day I had it taken, it was raining, and I walked all the way to the Pass & ID building to get it done. Oh well, I have to get a new one next year, so maybe I'll get a better picture taken.

Amy Austin | November 16, 2006
Hehe... I knew it. Well, now I'm really sorry -- oh well... it was nice knowing all of you! ;-D

Scott Hardie | November 16, 2006
The comment I keep hearing from people, Amy, is how much lighter your skin is in this photo versus the last one. Of course the lighting changed between them, but it's a big difference I suppose.

Dave Mitzman suggested a good idea, which is multiple photos per user. If and when I ever get that on the site, I'll probably restore everybody's previous photos for comparison.

Amy, Jackie, Denise, I like all of your new photos. Anybody else want to take a minute to update theirs?

Amy Austin | November 16, 2006
Well, there is a slight difference in lighting, yes, but there is also the fact that the previous one was taken in Guam, no makeup, after a couple of weeks of fun in the sun and a nice little rock lobster crisp on my chest. This one is my full-on Morticia Addams winter pallor look, with a touch of mineral make-up and lipstick to smooth out the high contrast. (Consider yourselves lucky that I didn't decide to go near-black with the hair! Heck, I may still!!) I'll try to get another lively, less pasty one going on... if I manage to survive and recover from my first New England winter-over!!! :-p

And I liked Dave's suggestion when he told me about it a while back -- thought it might make an appearance with the latest incarnation of the site... but I understand that you're busy with other things, too. I look forward to it... and then I can submit a picture for every season. ;-)

Scott Hardie | November 16, 2006
It was on the list before the new site publication, and it remains on the list now. I'm just now catching up to a month's worth of TC, so you know what my schedule's like. :-( Dave was kind enough to submit code to get it working, but the photos are served as part of a larger system serving user data, so I can't just plug it in.

Jackie Mason | November 16, 2006
[hidden by request]

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