Scott Hardie | December 14, 2001
Finally fed up enough to do something about it, I bought two Mouse Cubes at WalMart today for $1.47 each. They're plastic tubes with loose lids on the ends, that can be pushed open by a mouse to enter but then shut by gravity. Sure enough, within six hours of setting it in the kitchen, I had captured the mouse that I see there every day. He didn't even seem to notice me, he was so engrossed in eating his cracker and peanut butter. I thought about killing the little bastard, but he was a baby and I didn't have the heart to do it. Also, I am willing to use lethal traps when necessary, but it wasn't necessary to kill him, since I'd already captured him alive. I drove to the edge of town and dumped him, and watched him sprint for his meager little life across the frozen road. Hasta nunca, bastardo.

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