Snobbery in the City
Scott Hardie | May 13, 2003
If I'm not mistaken: Since those kinds of stores serve such a limited market, the only way they can stay in business is by charging exhorbitant prices for their wares. So the skinny women who starve themselves to be that size wind up paying ridiculous prices for trendy clothing on top of it? Sweet.
Anna Gregoline | May 13, 2003
Jackie, that's horrible! I felt like I was reading the script to "Pretty Woman," not to imply that you are a hooker, but rather that you have integrity and are quite cool to not buy from those jerks.
By the way, I wear an 8 too. =)
Jackie Mason | May 14, 2003
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Anna Gregoline | May 14, 2003
Yeah, but I'd like her better if she didn't have washboard abs.
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Jackie Mason | May 12, 2003
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