Scott Hardie | February 5, 2002
So here's an idea that I had. When you send a message to a hotmail account that doesn't exist, will reply with a statement that "" is invalid. I can mask my email so that it appears to come from a different account than the one I really use. Why not reply to every single piece of spam I get with a fake message from postmaster saying that weaverx doesn't exist? A lot of spammers mask their own addresses, so it wouldn't work for all of them, but it would surely work for some. Unfortunately, I tried to put this plan into effect, but my messages wouldn't send because it claimed my account was invalid. I've sent out other messages with masked addresses (ask Anna about man-eating hats), but Hotmail seems to be programmed to not let anyone pretend to be postmaster. I wonder if other people have thought of this before me and tried to implement it.

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