Scott Hardie | September 22, 2004
No one has guessed the current goo correctly so far, and Steve Dunn has lost the round by it. Even Todd Brotsch and Dave Mitzman, normally among the very first to guess, seem stumped so far. Any comments? (Please don't mention what you guessed.)

All I can say is, I think the veteran players who guessed so far have underestimated my administrative need to stump the score-leaders at this late stage in the round, something I've been mentioning in recent weeks. Would I really make it the most obvious answer? Think about what I might do to create a truly difficult goo, above and beyond the typical Google-proofing, and you'll be one step in the right direction.

Scott Hardie | September 22, 2004
P.S. Sorry, Steve. I was hoping this was going to be your round.

Lori Lancaster | September 22, 2004
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | September 22, 2004
Sorry, Lori, that's not it. But you're not the first person to guess that.

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