Scott Hardie | January 22, 2002
The mice have invaded my dreams. Early this morning, half-awake after hearing Kelly's alarm clock wake her up, I dreamed that I was lying in my bed just like I really was, but there was a plastic grocery bag in front of me. I nudged around inside the bag with my finger and found a dead mouse lying on its side in the bag. I tried to push the bag away from me, but something was preventing it from moving. I struggled with it so much that I woke myself up, and haven't been able to sleep since. Three damn hours of sleep. Fuck. Even when the mice aren't chewing on the bureau, they still wake me up early. Anyway, in real life, the mice are gradually disappearing. The d-Con is very popular, and I hope it's working. I have no way of knowing for sure. I really hope that it kills the little bastards off for good.

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