Scott Hardie | August 7, 2007
News item: Thai police caught breaking regulations will be forced to wear hot pink armbands featuring Hello Kitty. (link) There are days I wish I could apply that where *I* work...

Just wait until these armbands become associated with rebels. I would pay good money to see a rapper wearing a hot pink Hello Kitty armband in an attempt to boost his street cred.

Amy Austin | August 7, 2007
That... is... awesome.

So instead of the "scarlet letter" they have the "pink letter"? (hahaha)

"You know... the Nazis had 'pieces of flair' that they made the Jews wear..."

Lori Lancaster | August 8, 2007
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | August 8, 2007
Damn funny. Especially imagining you as a member of the Thai police force... ;-DDD

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