Scott Hardie | January 20, 2002
This is the third morning in a row on which I've awakened to the sound of a mouse loudly chewing on our bureau in the corner. I hate these fucking mice. The mass genocide of last week has quieted them down some, but they're still around. We see them maybe three times a day, instead of twenty. We bought some d-Con and put it around the house: In the bedroom by the bureau, in the kitchen on the sink, in the kitchen by the refrigerator because they like that corner, and here in the office where I keep hearing them go. They've already found it in the kitchen because I saw it scattered around a little bit. The two problems with d-Con: It takes 4-5 days to work, which is not quick enough for me, and I probably won't see the body afterwards, so I can't modify the kill count for it. Oh well. Die, mice, die.

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