What was That Number?
Anna Gregoline | March 2, 2002
So...are you going crazy, or was this guy highly illegal?
Anna Gregoline | March 2, 2002
Glad you're feeling wonderful, by the way.
Scott Hardie | March 3, 2002
I dunno. I can only saw what people who think they've seen ghosts say: "I know what I saw."
And thank you. Moulin Rouge usually does that for me. :-)
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Scott Hardie | March 1, 2002
Driving just now, I saw an SUV approach in the opposite lane, with a plate that read DAYS 281. I wondered for a moment if that was Biblical, and in pondering I glanced back at it in the rear-view mirror after it had passed me. The rear plate read BFS 546. Hmmm.