This round is still underway and has had 11 goos so far. Start playing!

Players this round: Erik Bates (10 goos solved), Richard Slominsky (10 goos solved), Steve West (10 goos solved), Russ Wilhelm (9 goos solved), Samir Mehta (8 goos solved), LaVonne Lemler (4 goos solved), and Scott Hardie (1 goo solved).

Rey Mysterio

Like something out of a horror movie, this Wrestlemaniac from Tijuana has spawned a family of wrestlers. His ring name roughly translates to: Who's the king? Go »

Adam Scott

He used his severance pay after leaving a parks and recreation department to party down. Go »

Bindi Irwin

Crikey! This third-generation zookeeper's first major live public appearance was delivering a eulogy at age 8. Go »

Simon Pegg

When he had a break from fixing the Enterprise's engines, running from zombies in London, and helping Ethan Hunt pull off impossible missions, he played a junk boss who resembled a blobfish in The Force Awakens. Go »