The following players have held the longest streaks of consecutive correct guesses in Celebrity Goo Game:

Matthew Preston
became the first streaker on February 23, 1998
with a streak of 1 correct guess

Kelly Lee
overtook Matthew on December 23, 1998
with a streak of 12 correct guesses

Matthew Preston
overtook Kelly on June 7, 1999
with a streak of 14 correct guesses

Aaron Fischer
overtook Matthew on October 2, 2000
with a streak of 19 correct guesses

Denise Sawicki
overtook Aaron on July 30, 2001
with a streak of 40 correct guesses

Amy Austin
overtook Denise on April 18, 2005
with a streak of 60 correct guesses

Russ Wilhelm
overtook Amy on March 12, 2006
with a streak of 79 correct guesses

Justin Woods
overtook Russ on November 16, 2010
with a streak of 103 correct guesses

Russ Wilhelm
overtook Justin on March 8, 2011
with a streak of 135 correct guesses

Steve West
overtook Russ on June 20, 2022
with a streak of 260 correct guesses

Russ Wilhelm
overtook Steve on April 13, 2024
with a streak of 275 correct guesses

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