Scott Hardie
Green Destiny Music


Justin Woods
Tweek Productions

Trade Rule

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Play Rules

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.


Scott won the concert with six artists remaining to Justin's four artists.

Turn Log

Challenge: Scott issued the challenge on March 27, 2015.

Accepted: Justin agreed to play on March 27, 2015.

Turn 1: Justin played Unknown Artist to Center Stage on March 27, 2015.

Turn 2: Scott played Unknown Artist to Stage Right on March 27, 2015. Unknown Artist were captured at Center Stage.

Turn 3: Justin played Unknown Artist to Upstage Right on March 27, 2015. Unknown Artist was captured at Stage Right.

Turn 4: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage on March 27, 2015. Unknown Artist were captured at Upstage Right.

Turn 5: Justin played Unknown Artist to Upstage Left on March 28, 2015. Unknown Artist was captured at Upstage.

Turn 6: Scott played Unknown Artist to Stage Left on March 28, 2015.

Turn 7: Justin played Unknown Artist to Downstage Left on March 28, 2015.

Turn 8: Scott played Unknown Artist to Downstage on March 29, 2015. Unknown Artist were captured at Downstage Left.

Turn 9: Justin played Unknown Artist to Downstage Right on March 29, 2015.


Unknown Artist (R6, 2 2 5 1)Unknown Artist (R3, 2 3 1 1)Unknown Artist (R5, 2 1 2 2)
Unknown Artist (R1, 2 1 3 1)Unknown Artist (R6, 2 1 3 1)Unknown Artist (R1, 1 1 3 2)
Unknown Artist (R5, 3 4 1 2)Unknown Artist (R5, 1 1 3 5)Unknown Artist (R2, 1 1 4 1)

Scott's Unplayed Artist

Unknown Artist (R2, 3 1 2 4)


Scott Hardie | March 29

Would you considering helping me out here? I'm currently pursuing the "win five consecutive concerts" achievement. I'm going to play an artist to Downstage that will capture your artist at Downstage Left and give me a 6-4 lead, but that artist has only a 1 on its right side. You will then have no choice for your final play: You must play your sole remaining artist to Downstage Right. I count four possible artists in your collection that it could be, two of which have 1s on their left side and would give me a 6-4 win, and two who could take my Downstage artist and result in a 5-5 draw.

Would you consider telling me whether I have a win or a draw here? Since your last play is locked in, it shouldn't make any difference to you, unless I haven't thought of something. But for me, knowing that this is a win and being able to finish it now would mean a lot fewer challenges that I'd have to issue in the next few days to reach my goal. Of course, if it is a draw, then all of that is moot, but at least I'd know. :-) Thanks for entertaining my request.

Justin Woods | March 29

Yeah I have three days grace all ones! Congrats on the achievement.

Scott Hardie | March 29

Thank you! I'm almost there...

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Other Concerts Between These Players

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Automatic Concert: Green Destiny Music vs. Tweek Productions

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