Chris Lemler
Disc golf freak


Erik Bates
Jayhawk Records


Is This the World We Created?: Rock Block's spring 2021 tournament recreates one of the biggest charity concert events of all time, 1985's Live Aid. (more info)

Trade Rule

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Play Rules

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.


This concert ended in a voluntary forfeit by Erik, making Chris the winner.

Turn Log

Start: This concert began automatically on August 26, 2021.

Turn 1: Erik played Unknown Artist to Center Stage on August 26, 2021.

Turn 2: Chris played Unknown Artist to Upstage on August 28, 2021. Unknown Artist were captured at Center Stage.

Turn 3: Erik played Unknown Artist to Upstage Right on September 1, 2021. Unknown Artist was captured at Upstage.

Turn 4: Chris played Unknown Artist to Stage Right on September 2, 2021.


Upstage LeftUnknown Artist (R3, 2 2 6 11)Unknown Artist (R7, 11 6 10 6)
Stage LeftUnknown Artist (R1, 1 0 3 3)Unknown Artist (R5, -1 2 3 7)
Downstage LeftDownstageDownstage Right

Chris's Unplayed Artists

Unknown Artist (R9, 9 7 9 6)Unknown Artist (R9, 9 9 8 5)Unknown Artist (R7, 4 4 8 9)

Erik's Unplayed Artists

Unknown Artist (R9, 9 9 4 9)Unknown Artist (R9, 8 9 6 8)Unknown Artist (R7, 8 4 6 7)


Matthew Preston | September 7

Erik... man... you're killing me here. We can't get our tournament payout until all concerts are finished. Hope things are OK by you.

Erik Bates | September 7

Sorry fellas. I've been in and out lately. I went ahead and forfeited this one to end the suspense :)

Matthew Preston | September 7

Thanks. You've got one concert left with William and that should wrap it up.

I am an anxious man, sorry for the bitching. :-)

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Automatic Concert: Disc golf freak vs. Jayhawk Records

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Automatic Concert: Disc golf freak vs. Jayhawk Records

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Automatic Concert: Jayhawk Records vs. Disc golf freak

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Automatic Concert: Disc golf freak vs. Jayhawk Records

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