Is This the World We Created?
Just think of all those hungry mouths we have to feed
Take a look at all the suffering we breed
So many lonely faces scattered all around
Searching for what they need
Rock Block's spring 2021 tournament recreates one of the biggest charity concert events of all time, 1985's Live Aid. Nearly 40% of the world's population watched the live global broadcast, which brought together some of rock and pop music's biggest stars to raise money for famine relief in Africa, including now-iconic performances by bands like Queen (who performed the benefit song that gives the tournament its title). Each victory in a tournament concert will earn a player a ticket to see another performance on the concert's multiple stages. Once a player has seen all 67 performances, that player will become the winner and receive a prize!
Since Live Aid championed the cause of famine relief, so too will this tournament. For each participating player, $50 will be donated to Save the Children, providing three months' worth of food for a hungry child. You are invited to make your own donation to further the cause. Every dollar helps.
To join the tournament, first join Rock Block. For more information about the game, see How to Play.

Congratulations to Steve West, champion of the spring 2021 tournament!
Steve was the first player to attend all 67 performances on the concert stages.
The final scores as of his victory: Steve West with 67, Matthew Preston with 61, Erik Bates with 45, Scott Hardie with 45, William Dean with 31, Chris Lemler with 26, and Aaron Shurtleff with 0.
When a player attends a Live Aid performance, a photo of the performer appears in place of the name below.
Matthew Preston
62 performances attended, 5 remaining
Sting & Phil Collins
Bryan Ferry Crosby, Stills & Nash
The Power Station
Erik Bates
46 performances attended, 21 remaining
Oz for Africa Ultravox
Austria für Afrika Nik Kershaw
Billy Ocean Sade
YU Rock Misija Run-D.M.C.
REO Speedwagon
Bryan Ferry
The Beach Boys
George Thorogood and the Destroyers
Simple Minds David Bowie
Madonna Freddie Mercury & Brian May
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Kenny Loggins
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Cliff Richard
Bob Dylan & Keith Richards & Ronnie Wood
Scott Hardie
45 performances attended, 22 remaining
Status Quo
Spandau Ballet Bernard Watson
Elvis Costello
Nik Kershaw The Four Tops
Black Sabbath
Rick Springfield
Band für Afrika Judas Priest
George Thorogood and the Destroyers Queen
The Who
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Neil Young
Thompson Twins
Led Zeppelin
Duran Duran Cliff Richard Patti LaBelle Hall & Oates
William Dean
34 performances attended, 33 remaining
Coldstream Guards The Style Council The Boomtown Rats
Ultravox Loudness & Off Course Spandau Ballet Bernard Watson
Elvis Costello The Hooters Austria für Afrika
Sting & Phil Collins
REO Speedwagon Howard Jones Autograph
Band für Afrika Judas Priest Paul Young Bryan Adams
The Beach Boys Dire Straits George Thorogood and the Destroyers Queen
Kool & the Gang
Freddie Mercury & Brian May
Kenny Loggins
Neil Young The Power Station
Eric Clapton
Led Zeppelin Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Patti LaBelle
Mick Jagger
Chris Lemler
29 performances attended, 38 remaining
Coldstream Guards The Style Council The Boomtown Rats Adam Ant Oz for Africa Ultravox
Bernard Watson
Elvis Costello
Austria für Afrika
The Four Tops B.B. King
YU Rock Misija Run-D.M.C.
Rick Springfield
Bryan Ferry
Paul Young Bryan Adams
The Beach Boys Dire Straits
Queen Simple Minds David Bowie Pretenders The Who
Ashford & Simpson
Paul McCartney Band Aid
The Cars
The Power Station Thompson Twins
Phil Collins Led Zeppelin Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Duran Duran Cliff Richard
Hall & Oates
Bob Dylan & Keith Richards & Ronnie Wood
Aaron Shurtleff
0 performances attended, 67 remaining
Coldstream Guards Status Quo The Style Council The Boomtown Rats Adam Ant Oz for Africa Ultravox Loudness & Off Course Spandau Ballet Bernard Watson Joan Baez Elvis Costello The Hooters Austria für Afrika Nik Kershaw The Four Tops B.B. King Billy Ocean Sade Black Sabbath YU Rock Misija Run-D.M.C. Sting & Phil Collins Rick Springfield REO Speedwagon Howard Jones Autograph Bryan Ferry Crosby, Stills & Nash Band für Afrika Judas Priest Paul Young Bryan Adams U2 The Beach Boys Dire Straits George Thorogood and the Destroyers Queen Simple Minds David Bowie Pretenders The Who Santana Elton John Ashford & Simpson Kool & the Gang Madonna Freddie Mercury & Brian May Paul McCartney Band Aid Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Kenny Loggins The Cars Neil Young The Power Station Thompson Twins Eric Clapton Phil Collins Led Zeppelin Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Duran Duran Cliff Richard Patti LaBelle Hall & Oates Mick Jagger Bob Dylan & Keith Richards & Ronnie Wood USA for Africa
Concerts: "Is This the World We Created?" tournament concerts will be started automatically. Every pair of active players will face off simultaneously, with a brief delay between concerts. The challenger and defender will be randomly assigned. The Overtime play rule will ensure that there are no draws, but the other play rules and the artists in each concert will be randomly selected based on what each pair of players has available to them. These concerts will use the None trade rule and expire after seven days of inactivity. Winning or drawing in these concerts will not result in ranks of new artists in the Collection Guide, since participation in the tournament already does so (see Prizes below), but they will count towards achievements such as "win fifty concerts."
Performances: The goal of the tournament is to attend all 67 musical performances from the original Live Aid. Each tournament concert offers the winner a ticket to attend another performance. The performance that can be attended by the winner is randomly selected and displayed on the concert page from the beginning. The random selection is weighted in favor of players who are further behind, who have a higher chance of the ticket being one that they still need. As soon as the concert is won, the ticket is automatically activated, and the performance will appear on this page as a photograph in place of the performer's name in the scoreboard for that player.
Victory: The first player who has attended all 67 performances will be declared the winner. As of that moment, whoever has attended the second-most will be declared the runner up, whoever attended the third-most will be declared third place, and so on. Concerts that have already started can play out, but will no longer affect the scores.
The champion will receive a $100 Amazon gift card by email and a small trophy.
The champion will also receive 100 ranks of new artists in the Collection Guide. The second-place player will receive 75 ranks of new artists, the third-place player will receive 50 ranks, and all other participating players will receive 25 ranks.
Every participating player will receive a copy of Queen in their label, and unlock the Overtime play rule if they don't have it already. A donation of $50 will be made to Save the Children on behalf of every participating player, up to a maximum of $500.
A "participating player" is defined as playing at least one turn in an "Is This the World We Created?" tournament concert.
These are all "Is This the World We Created?" tournament concerts in chronological order. Bold titles are still being played.
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 8 at 2:00pm, Steve got to see YU Rock Misija
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 8 at 2:02pm, Steve got to see Queen
Erik vs. Steve, won by Erik, on March 9 at 10:44am, Erik got to see Paul Young
Erik vs. Scott, won by Scott, on March 9 at 7:36pm, Scott got to see Paul Young
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on March 9 at 9:03pm, Matthew got to see Status Quo
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Chris, on March 10 at 10:30am, Chris got to see Kool & the Gang
Erik vs. Chris, won by Chris, on March 10 at 11:01am, Chris got to see Band für Afrika
Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on March 10 at 12:57pm, Steve got to see Sade
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on March 10 at 3:45pm, Matthew got to see Black Sabbath
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 10 at 4:28pm, Steve got to see Neil Young
Chris vs. Steve, won by Chris, on March 11 at 8:18am, Chris got to see Santana
Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on March 11 at 9:52am, Steve got to see Kool & the Gang
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on March 11 at 10:29am, Matthew got to see Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Erik vs. Chris, won by Chris, on March 11 at 10:30am, Chris got to see REO Speedwagon
Steve vs. Chris, won by Chris, on March 11 at 12:02pm, Chris got to see Kool & the Gang
Chris vs. Scott, won by Scott, on March 11 at 2:59pm, Scott got to see The Beach Boys
Chris vs. Erik, won by Erik, on March 12 at 11:21am, Erik got to see Phil Collins
Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on March 12 at 1:07pm, Matthew got to see Duran Duran
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on March 12 at 5:35pm, Scott got to see Bryan Ferry
Erik vs. William, won by Erik, on March 13 at 2:45pm, Erik got to see Joan Baez
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 13 at 7:34pm, Steve got to see Elton John
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on March 14 at 10:12am, Steve got to see Thompson Twins
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on March 14 at 11:01am, Matthew got to see The Who
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on March 14 at 11:35am, Matthew got to see Rick Springfield
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on March 14 at 7:37pm, Steve got to see Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Chris vs. Aaron, won by Chris, on March 15 at 8:00am, Chris got to see Spandau Ballet
Aaron vs. Erik, won by Erik, on March 15 at 10:00am, Erik got to see Phil Collins
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on March 15 at 10:40am, Matthew got to see Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Erik vs. Steve, won by Erik, on March 15 at 10:47am, Erik got to see U2
Chris vs. Erik, won by Erik, on March 15 at 10:48am, Erik got to see Mick Jagger
Matthew vs. Aaron, won by Matthew, on March 15 at 11:00am, Matthew got to see Spandau Ballet
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on March 15 at 4:37pm, Matthew got to see Bob Dylan & Keith Richards & Ronnie Wood
William vs. Aaron, won by William, on March 15 at 5:00pm, William got to see Pretenders
Aaron vs. Scott, won by Scott, on March 15 at 11:00pm, Scott got to see Bob Dylan & Keith Richards & Ronnie Wood
Erik vs. Steve, won by Erik, on March 16 at 1:24pm, Erik got to see Bernard Watson
Steve vs. Aaron, won by Steve, on March 17 at 4:00am, Steve got to see David Bowie
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on March 17 at 10:50am, Matthew got to see YU Rock Misija
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on March 17 at 1:08pm, Steve got to see The Four Tops
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 18 at 9:31am, Steve got to see Judas Priest
Chris vs. Erik, won by Erik, on March 18 at 11:02am, Erik got to see Autograph
Erik vs. Matthew, won by Erik, on March 19 at 9:31am, Erik got to see Hall & Oates
Erik vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 19 at 4:46pm, Steve got to see Sting & Phil Collins
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 19 at 6:52pm, Steve got to see Crosby, Stills & Nash
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 19 at 6:53pm, Steve got to see Eric Clapton
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 21 at 9:53am, Steve got to see Madonna
William vs. Chris, won by William, on March 21 at 4:50pm, William got to see Crosby, Stills & Nash
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on March 21 at 6:58pm, Steve got to see The Hooters
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 21 at 8:00pm, Steve got to see Elton John
Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on March 21 at 9:33pm, Scott got to see Eric Clapton
Aaron vs. Chris, won by Chris, on March 22 at 9:00am, Chris got to see U2
Aaron vs. Erik, won by Erik, on March 22 at 11:00am, Erik got to see Judas Priest
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on March 22 at 12:23pm, Steve got to see Band Aid
Aaron vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on March 22 at 1:00pm, Matthew got to see Neil Young
Steve vs. Chris, won by Chris, on March 22 at 7:10pm, Chris got to see Loudness & Off Course
William vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 23 at 8:37am, Steve got to see Bryan Adams
Erik vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 23 at 9:24am, Steve got to see U2
Erik vs. Chris, won by Chris, on March 23 at 2:28pm, Chris got to see Band für Afrika
Erik vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 23 at 5:05pm, Steve got to see Coldstream Guards
Aaron vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 24 at 8:00am, Steve got to see Band Aid
Steve vs. Scott, won by Scott, on March 24 at 2:55pm, Scott got to see The Power Station
Aaron vs. William, won by William, on March 25 at 8:00am, William got to see David Bowie
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on March 25 at 7:58pm, Steve got to see Status Quo
Aaron vs. Scott, won by Scott, on March 26 at 3:00pm, Scott got to see Ashford & Simpson
Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on March 26 at 3:17pm, Steve got to see Bryan Adams
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 27 at 7:00am, Steve got to see Led Zeppelin
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Chris, on March 27 at 10:00am, Chris got to see Sting & Phil Collins
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on March 27 at 2:00pm, Scott got to see Austria für Afrika
Chris vs. Erik, won by Erik, on March 27 at 5:38pm, Erik got to see USA for Africa
Matthew vs. William, won by William, on March 27 at 10:00pm, William got to see Simple Minds
Chris vs. Scott, won by Scott, on March 28 at 10:46am, Scott got to see Pretenders
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Chris, on March 28 at 10:20pm, Chris got to see Joan Baez
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 29 at 12:28am, Steve got to see Bryan Ferry
Aaron vs. Chris, won by Chris, on March 29 at 10:00am, Chris got to see Black Sabbath
Steve vs. Chris, won by Chris, on March 29 at 11:32am, Chris got to see Sade
Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on March 29 at 12:46pm, Steve got to see David Bowie
Matthew vs. Erik, won by Erik, on March 29 at 12:53pm, Erik got to see Howard Jones
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 29 at 1:31pm, Steve got to see Bryan Ferry
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on March 29 at 1:39pm, Matthew got to see The Style Council
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 29 at 1:51pm, Steve got to see Paul Young
Matthew vs. Aaron, won by Matthew, on March 29 at 3:00pm, Matthew got to see The Cars
Erik vs. Scott, won by Scott, on March 29 at 4:36pm, Scott got to see Crosby, Stills & Nash
Aaron vs. Erik, won by Erik, on March 29 at 6:00pm, Erik got to see Duran Duran
Erik vs. Chris, won by Erik, on March 29 at 6:16pm, Erik got to see Spandau Ballet
William vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 30 at 10:00am, Steve got to see Bob Dylan & Keith Richards & Ronnie Wood
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on March 30 at 10:59am, Steve got to see Oz for Africa
Chris vs. William, won by Chris, on March 30 at 12:00pm, Chris got to see Joan Baez
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 30 at 3:19pm, Steve got to see Ashford & Simpson
Scott vs. William, won by Scott, on March 30 at 4:00pm, Scott got to see Loudness & Off Course
Erik vs. Scott, won by Scott, on March 30 at 4:39pm, Scott got to see Billy Ocean
Erik vs. William, won by Erik, on March 30 at 5:00pm, Erik got to see Pretenders
Aaron vs. Steve, won by Steve, on March 31 at 9:00am, Steve got to see Kenny Loggins
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on March 31 at 9:48am, Matthew got to see Autograph
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on March 31 at 11:08am, Scott got to see Dire Straits
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on March 31 at 12:35pm, Steve got to see Ashford & Simpson
Matthew vs. Erik, won by Erik, on March 31 at 3:21pm, Erik got to see Paul McCartney
Erik vs. Chris, won by Erik, on March 31 at 8:22pm, Erik got to see Ashford & Simpson
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on March 31 at 8:58pm, Steve got to see The Beach Boys
William vs. Aaron, won by William, on April 1 at 8:00am, William got to see B.B. King
Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on April 1 at 12:37pm, Scott got to see Elton John
Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on April 1 at 3:40pm, Steve got to see Rick Springfield
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on April 1 at 4:55pm, Steve got to see Status Quo
Erik vs. Scott, won by Scott, on April 1 at 5:56pm, Scott got to see Paul McCartney
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on April 2 at 12:19pm, Steve got to see Run-D.M.C.
Scott vs. Aaron, won by Scott, on April 2 at 4:00pm, Scott got to see Bryan Adams
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 2 at 4:27pm, Steve got to see Status Quo
Matthew vs. William, won by Matthew, on April 3 at 10:00pm, Matthew got to see Band Aid
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 4 at 9:00am, Steve got to see Bryan Ferry
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on April 4 at 9:24am, Matthew got to see Kenny Loggins
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on April 4 at 11:07am, Steve got to see Elton John
Steve vs. Scott, won by Scott, on April 5 at 9:47am, Scott got to see U2
Chris vs. Aaron, won by Chris, on April 5 at 11:00am, Chris got to see Joan Baez
Steve vs. Erik, won by Erik, on April 5 at 5:30pm, Erik got to see Black Sabbath
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on April 6 at 10:00am, Matthew got to see Rick Springfield
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on April 6 at 10:32am, Scott got to see USA for Africa
Aaron vs. Erik, won by Erik, on April 6 at 11:00am, Erik got to see The Hooters
Aaron vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on April 6 at 12:00pm, Matthew got to see Ashford & Simpson
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on April 6 at 2:12pm, Steve got to see Madonna
Steve vs. Scott, won by Scott, on April 6 at 2:48pm, Scott got to see Run-D.M.C.
Steve vs. Aaron, won by Steve, on April 7 at 9:00am, Steve got to see Status Quo
Erik vs. Chris, won by Erik, on April 7 at 5:23pm, Erik got to see Eric Clapton
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on April 7 at 11:32pm, Steve got to see Elvis Costello
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 8 at 12:19am, Steve got to see Howard Jones
William vs. Aaron, won by William, on April 8 at 9:00am, William got to see Bryan Ferry
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on April 8 at 9:03am, Steve got to see Status Quo
Erik vs. Scott, won by Scott, on April 8 at 12:42pm, Scott got to see Sting & Phil Collins
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on April 9 at 9:11am, Steve got to see Black Sabbath
Aaron vs. Scott, won by Scott, on April 9 at 5:00pm, Scott got to see Kool & the Gang
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on April 10 at 10:23am, Scott got to see Paul Young
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on April 11 at 2:26pm, Steve got to see Duran Duran
William vs. Chris, won by William, on April 11 at 2:41pm, William got to see Band Aid
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 12 at 10:06am, Steve got to see Pretenders
Aaron vs. Chris, won by Chris, on April 12 at 1:00pm, Chris got to see Billy Ocean
Steve vs. William, won by William, on April 13 at 8:09am, William got to see Run-D.M.C.
Scott vs. William, won by William, on April 13 at 8:11am, William got to see The Four Tops
Matthew vs. William, won by Matthew, on April 13 at 8:11am, Matthew got to see Sade
William vs. Erik, won by Erik, on April 13 at 11:33am, Erik got to see Band für Afrika
Aaron vs. Erik, won by Erik, on April 13 at 1:00pm, Erik got to see Elvis Costello
Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on April 13 at 1:13pm, Steve got to see The Cars
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on April 14 at 7:01am, Steve got to see Bryan Ferry
Aaron vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on April 14 at 9:00am, Matthew got to see Dire Straits
Steve vs. Aaron, won by Steve, on April 14 at 10:00am, Steve got to see Thompson Twins
Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on April 14 at 3:53pm, Scott got to see Phil Collins
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on April 14 at 8:46pm, Matthew got to see Paul McCartney
William vs. Aaron, won by William, on April 15 at 10:00am, William got to see Bob Dylan & Keith Richards & Ronnie Wood
Erik vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 15 at 2:34pm, Steve got to see Thompson Twins
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on April 15 at 4:09pm, Scott got to see B.B. King
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 15 at 5:13pm, Steve got to see B.B. King
William vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 16 at 8:54am, Steve got to see Hall & Oates
Scott vs. Aaron, won by Scott, on April 16 at 6:00pm, Scott got to see Ashford & Simpson
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 16 at 10:17pm, Steve got to see Spandau Ballet
Steve vs. Scott, won by Scott, on April 19 at 7:23am, Scott got to see Sade
Chris vs. William, won by William, on April 19 at 8:44am, William got to see Phil Collins
Matthew vs. William, won by Matthew, on April 19 at 8:45am, Matthew got to see Mick Jagger
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 19 at 1:34pm, Steve got to see The Style Council
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on April 20 at 6:25am, Scott got to see Autograph
Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on April 20 at 5:23pm, Scott got to see Ultravox
William vs. Erik, won by Erik, on April 20 at 5:23pm, Erik got to see The Cars
William vs. Scott, won by William, on April 20 at 5:52pm, William got to see Adam Ant
Erik vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 20 at 7:08pm, Steve got to see Dire Straits
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 20 at 7:09pm, Steve got to see The Who
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on April 21 at 10:34pm, Matthew got to see Phil Collins
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 22 at 3:07am, Steve got to see David Bowie
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 23 at 3:54pm, Steve got to see Oz for Africa
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 25 at 7:30am, Steve got to see The Hooters
Steve vs. Erik, won by Erik, on April 26 at 12:03pm, Erik got to see Crosby, Stills & Nash
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on April 26 at 3:36pm, Steve got to see Coldstream Guards
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on April 26 at 8:39pm, Steve got to see Autograph
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on April 27 at 12:46pm, Matthew got to see Freddie Mercury & Brian May
Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on April 27 at 7:49pm, Scott got to see Phil Collins
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on April 28 at 1:53pm, Matthew got to see Billy Ocean
Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on April 28 at 2:47pm, Scott got to see USA for Africa
Scott vs. Erik, won by Erik, on April 28 at 2:58pm, Erik got to see The Boomtown Rats
Matthew vs. Erik, won by Erik, on April 28 at 3:02pm, Erik got to see Phil Collins
Chris vs. Scott, won by Scott, on April 28 at 8:26pm, Scott got to see Dire Straits
Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on April 29 at 8:36am, Steve got to see Cliff Richard
Steve vs. Scott, won by Scott, on May 1 at 8:28am, Scott got to see The Boomtown Rats
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on May 1 at 2:05pm, Scott got to see Paul Young
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 3 at 8:33am, Steve got to see Joan Baez
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 3 at 4:28pm, Steve got to see Loudness & Off Course
William vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 3 at 5:29pm, Steve got to see Santana
Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on May 3 at 5:40pm, Scott got to see Phil Collins
William vs. Scott, won by William, on May 3 at 5:40pm, William got to see Status Quo
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 4 at 12:02pm, Matthew got to see Eric Clapton
William vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 4 at 4:30pm, Matthew got to see Dire Straits
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 5 at 12:23am, Matthew got to see Madonna
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 5 at 10:26am, Steve got to see Phil Collins
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on May 5 at 9:38pm, Matthew got to see Hall & Oates
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on May 6 at 7:13am, Steve got to see Madonna
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Chris, on May 6 at 3:50pm, Chris got to see Freddie Mercury & Brian May
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on May 7 at 2:32pm, Matthew got to see USA for Africa
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on May 8 at 3:28pm, Matthew got to see Nik Kershaw
Steve vs. William, won by Steve, on May 10 at 8:31am, Steve got to see Ultravox
William vs. Erik, won by William, on May 10 at 8:51am, William got to see Paul McCartney
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 10 at 3:51pm, Matthew got to see Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on May 11 at 1:52pm, Steve got to see Patti LaBelle
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 12 at 11:14pm, Steve got to see Elvis Costello
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 13 at 1:00pm, Steve got to see Band Aid
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 14 at 10:00am, Matthew got to see Patti LaBelle
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 14 at 10:47am, Steve got to see The Hooters
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on May 14 at 2:46pm, Scott got to see Run-D.M.C.
Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on May 14 at 5:00pm, Scott got to see REO Speedwagon
Steve vs. Erik, won by Erik, on May 14 at 5:10pm, Erik got to see Santana
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on May 15 at 11:43am, Steve got to see Thompson Twins
Scott vs. Erik, won by Erik, on May 15 at 10:48pm, Erik got to see Sting & Phil Collins
Chris vs. William, won by William, on May 16 at 2:00am, William got to see The Who
Chris vs. Erik, won by Erik, on May 17 at 9:00am, Erik got to see B.B. King
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on May 17 at 1:36pm, Matthew got to see Bryan Adams
Erik vs. Steve, won by Erik, on May 17 at 2:57pm, Erik got to see Thompson Twins
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 18 at 12:32pm, Steve got to see The Beach Boys
Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on May 18 at 4:18pm, Scott got to see Paul McCartney
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on May 18 at 4:20pm, Scott got to see Band Aid
Steve vs. William, won by Steve, on May 19 at 4:20pm, Steve got to see Sade
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 19 at 8:58pm, Matthew got to see The Four Tops
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on May 20 at 1:00pm, Steve got to see David Bowie
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on May 21 at 11:00am, Matthew got to see Judas Priest
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on May 21 at 11:09am, Steve got to see Cliff Richard
Chris vs. William, won by William, on May 23 at 6:00pm, William got to see Duran Duran
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 24 at 10:49am, Matthew got to see Paul Young
Chris vs. Erik, won by Erik, on May 24 at 11:00am, Erik got to see Elton John
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on May 24 at 1:55pm, Steve got to see Howard Jones
Erik vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 24 at 2:41pm, Matthew got to see Judas Priest
Erik vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 25 at 1:41am, Steve got to see Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on May 25 at 9:00am, Scott got to see The Cars
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on May 26 at 8:06am, Steve got to see Austria für Afrika
William vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 27 at 7:55am, Steve got to see Simple Minds
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on May 27 at 12:54pm, Matthew got to see The Beach Boys
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on May 27 at 2:00pm, Steve got to see Queen
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 28 at 1:27am, Matthew got to see Band für Afrika
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 28 at 12:00pm, Matthew got to see Adam Ant
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 28 at 2:02pm, Matthew got to see B.B. King
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 29 at 3:29am, Steve got to see Band Aid
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 29 at 9:45am, Steve got to see Bryan Ferry
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on May 29 at 12:51pm, Steve got to see Paul Young
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on May 30 at 11:01am, Steve got to see USA for Africa
Erik vs. Scott, won by Scott, on May 30 at 3:30pm, Scott got to see Dire Straits
Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on May 30 at 3:54pm, Scott got to see Joan Baez
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on May 30 at 8:04pm, Matthew got to see Elvis Costello
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on May 31 at 8:23am, Matthew got to see David Bowie
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 1 at 10:37am, Steve got to see Thompson Twins
Erik vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on June 1 at 2:56pm, Matthew got to see Cliff Richard
Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on June 1 at 3:00pm, Scott got to see Mick Jagger
Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on June 1 at 3:36pm, Steve got to see Nik Kershaw
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on June 1 at 3:45pm, Matthew got to see Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Chris vs. Scott, won by Chris, on June 1 at 6:13pm, Chris got to see Patti LaBelle
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Chris, on June 1 at 6:15pm, Chris got to see Elton John
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 2 at 1:10pm, Steve got to see Status Quo
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on June 2 at 8:40pm, Matthew got to see Paul McCartney
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on June 4 at 11:20am, Matthew got to see Run-D.M.C.
Matthew vs. William, won by Matthew, on June 4 at 1:06pm, Matthew got to see Elvis Costello
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 6 at 1:30pm, Steve got to see Queen
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on June 7 at 11:58am, Steve got to see Crosby, Stills & Nash
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on June 7 at 5:59pm, Matthew got to see Pretenders
Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on June 8 at 4:00pm, Steve got to see Billy Ocean
Erik vs. Scott, won by Scott, on June 8 at 5:00pm, Scott got to see Kenny Loggins
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on June 9 at 9:58am, Steve got to see Santana
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on June 9 at 4:43pm, Steve got to see The Boomtown Rats
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 10 at 12:20pm, Steve got to see The Boomtown Rats
Chris vs. Erik, won by Erik, on June 10 at 1:51pm, Erik got to see The Four Tops
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 11 at 12:06am, Steve got to see Bryan Ferry
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on June 11 at 12:39pm, Matthew got to see Judas Priest
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on June 11 at 12:54pm, Matthew got to see The Boomtown Rats
William vs. Erik, won by Erik, on June 12 at 7:18am, Erik got to see Adam Ant
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on June 12 at 11:54pm, Steve got to see Bernard Watson
Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on June 14 at 10:17am, Steve got to see Led Zeppelin
Erik vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on June 14 at 10:24am, Matthew got to see Kool & the Gang
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on June 14 at 11:53am, Matthew got to see Oz for Africa
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 14 at 2:47pm, Steve got to see The Who
Erik vs. Matthew, won by Erik, on June 15 at 4:12pm, Erik got to see Band Aid
Steve vs. Erik, won by Erik, on June 15 at 4:13pm, Erik got to see Kool & the Gang
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 17 at 9:33am, Steve got to see Simple Minds
Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on June 17 at 6:56pm, Scott got to see Santana
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 18 at 2:00pm, Steve got to see Santana
William vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 19 at 8:00am, Steve got to see Coldstream Guards
Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on June 19 at 8:04pm, Scott got to see Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on June 19 at 8:30pm, Steve got to see Simple Minds
William vs. Scott, won by Scott, on June 19 at 10:15pm, Scott got to see David Bowie
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on June 21 at 9:29pm, Steve got to see Simple Minds
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 22 at 9:38am, Steve got to see Bernard Watson
Steve vs. Erik, won by Erik, on June 22 at 5:46pm, Erik got to see Bryan Adams
Erik vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 24 at 9:19am, Steve got to see Freddie Mercury & Brian May
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 24 at 9:23am, Steve got to see Led Zeppelin
Matthew vs. Erik, won by Erik, on June 24 at 12:08pm, Erik got to see Crosby, Stills & Nash
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 24 at 6:36pm, Steve got to see Band für Afrika
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 25 at 9:51am, Steve got to see Led Zeppelin
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 25 at 2:49pm, Steve got to see Bernard Watson
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 25 at 4:00pm, Steve got to see YU Rock Misija
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on June 25 at 8:00pm, Matthew got to see USA for Africa
William vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 26 at 1:33am, Steve got to see Sade
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on June 26 at 9:35am, Scott got to see The Style Council
Chris vs. William, won by William, on June 26 at 11:00pm, William got to see Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on June 26 at 11:00pm, Scott got to see Simple Minds
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 28 at 12:55pm, Steve got to see Santana
Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 28 at 3:54pm, Scott got to see Ultravox
Chris vs. Erik, won by Erik, on June 29 at 3:00pm, Erik got to see Paul Young
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 29 at 3:51pm, Steve got to see Adam Ant
William vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 29 at 4:24pm, Steve got to see Kenny Loggins
William vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on June 30 at 7:54am, Matthew got to see Dire Straits
Steve vs. William, won by William, on June 30 at 8:30am, William got to see Thompson Twins
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 30 at 4:06pm, Steve got to see Joan Baez
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 1 at 12:02am, Steve got to see Howard Jones
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on July 1 at 10:58am, Matthew got to see Mick Jagger
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on July 1 at 2:45pm, Matthew got to see The Hooters
William vs. Erik, won by William, on July 1 at 4:12pm, William got to see Joan Baez
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on July 2 at 8:08am, Steve got to see Led Zeppelin
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 3 at 6:00am, Steve got to see Run-D.M.C.
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 1:00pm, Matthew got to see Ultravox
William vs. Chris, won by William, on July 3 at 11:00pm, William got to see Ashford & Simpson
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on July 6 at 12:58pm, Steve got to see Mick Jagger
Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 6 at 2:24pm, Matthew got to see Loudness & Off Course
Steve vs. William, won by Steve, on July 6 at 9:12pm, Steve got to see Kenny Loggins
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on July 7 at 2:08pm, Matthew got to see Paul McCartney
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 8 at 7:33am, Scott got to see YU Rock Misija
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on July 8 at 11:14am, Steve got to see Howard Jones
Chris vs. Erik, won by Erik, on July 8 at 5:00pm, Erik got to see Status Quo
William vs. Matthew, won by William, on July 9 at 1:03am, William got to see Madonna
Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on July 9 at 9:00am, Scott got to see Adam Ant
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on July 9 at 11:06am, Steve got to see Sting & Phil Collins
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 10 at 7:00am, Steve got to see Eric Clapton
Steve vs. William, won by Steve, on July 10 at 8:51pm, Steve got to see George Thorogood and the Destroyers
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on July 11 at 12:00am, Matthew got to see Bob Dylan & Keith Richards & Ronnie Wood
William vs. Chris, won by William, on July 11 at 12:00am, William got to see Santana
Matthew vs. William, won by Matthew, on July 13 at 4:22pm, Matthew got to see Nik Kershaw
William vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 13 at 4:33pm, Steve got to see Elvis Costello
Erik vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 13 at 7:00pm, Steve got to see Queen
Erik vs. William, won by William, on July 13 at 9:00pm, William got to see Simple Minds
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 13 at 9:45pm, Steve got to see Simple Minds
Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 14 at 11:00am, Matthew got to see Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 14 at 11:40am, Steve got to see Sting & Phil Collins
Erik vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 14 at 12:00pm, Scott got to see Howard Jones
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 15 at 7:52am, Steve got to see U2
Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on July 15 at 8:38am, Scott got to see YU Rock Misija
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 15 at 3:44pm, Steve got to see Howard Jones
Erik vs. Chris, won by Erik, on July 15 at 5:00pm, Erik got to see Led Zeppelin
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on July 17 at 7:00am, Steve got to see Oz for Africa
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 18 at 2:00am, Matthew got to see Simple Minds
William vs. Chris, won by William, on July 18 at 2:00am, William got to see The Four Tops
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 18 at 5:09pm, Steve got to see Band für Afrika
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on July 18 at 6:48pm, Matthew got to see REO Speedwagon
Steve vs. Erik, won by Erik, on July 20 at 2:34pm, Erik got to see Coldstream Guards
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on July 21 at 9:00pm, Steve got to see Band für Afrika
Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on July 22 at 3:00pm, Scott got to see Bryan Ferry
Chris vs. Erik, won by Erik, on July 22 at 6:00pm, Erik got to see The Four Tops
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 23 at 5:19pm, Steve got to see Nik Kershaw
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on July 24 at 8:00am, Steve got to see The Boomtown Rats
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:11am, Steve got to see Oz for Africa
William vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 24 at 12:03pm, Scott got to see Oz for Africa
William vs. Chris, won by William, on July 25 at 3:01am, William got to see Thompson Twins
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 25 at 3:01am, Matthew got to see Austria für Afrika
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 25 at 10:13am, Steve got to see Madonna
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 25 at 4:40pm, Steve got to see Simple Minds
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 26 at 10:54am, Steve got to see Santana
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on July 26 at 7:21pm, Matthew got to see Hall & Oates
Matthew vs. William, won by Matthew, on July 27 at 8:04am, Matthew got to see Neil Young
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on July 27 at 9:28am, Matthew got to see Joan Baez
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on July 27 at 4:28pm, Matthew got to see Coldstream Guards
William vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 28 at 8:02am, Steve got to see Spandau Ballet
Erik vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 28 at 5:00pm, Steve got to see Kenny Loggins
Erik vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 28 at 9:00pm, Scott got to see Coldstream Guards
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 29 at 11:17am, Steve got to see Thompson Twins
Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on July 29 at 3:00pm, Scott got to see Oz for Africa
Erik vs. Chris, won by Erik, on July 29 at 8:00pm, Erik got to see Pretenders
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 30 at 9:19am, Steve got to see Crosby, Stills & Nash
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on July 31 at 8:00am, Steve got to see Howard Jones
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 1 at 8:00am, Matthew got to see The Boomtown Rats
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 1 at 10:16am, Steve got to see Hall & Oates
Erik vs. Scott, won by Erik, on August 1 at 10:17am, Erik got to see The Four Tops
Chris vs. William, won by William, on August 1 at 12:00pm, William got to see Thompson Twins
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 1 at 7:21pm, Steve got to see Freddie Mercury & Brian May
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 1 at 8:02pm, Steve got to see Black Sabbath
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 2 at 7:00am, Steve got to see Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 2 at 8:09am, Steve got to see Cliff Richard
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 10:07am, Matthew got to see Led Zeppelin
Matthew vs. Erik, won by Erik, on August 2 at 12:21pm, Erik got to see Rick Springfield
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on August 3 at 10:42am, Steve got to see Bernard Watson
Erik vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 3 at 2:31pm, Steve got to see YU Rock Misija
Steve vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 3 at 4:50pm, Scott got to see The Power Station
William vs. Scott, won by William, on August 4 at 8:33am, William got to see YU Rock Misija
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 4 at 8:46am, Steve got to see Elvis Costello
William vs. Matthew, won by William, on August 4 at 10:05am, William got to see Billy Ocean
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 4 at 4:37pm, Steve got to see Rick Springfield
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 4 at 7:49pm, Matthew got to see Santana
Erik vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 5 at 1:15am, Matthew got to see Oz for Africa
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 5 at 11:10am, Steve got to see Black Sabbath
Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on August 5 at 3:00pm, Scott got to see The Boomtown Rats
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 5 at 8:35pm, Steve got to see George Thorogood and the Destroyers
Erik vs. Chris, won by Erik, on August 5 at 9:00pm, Erik got to see Loudness & Off Course
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 12:07am, Matthew got to see U2
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 6 at 7:10am, Steve got to see Led Zeppelin
William vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 6 at 9:18am, Steve got to see Patti LaBelle
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 6 at 11:05am, Steve got to see Cliff Richard
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 6 at 12:48pm, Steve got to see Bernard Watson
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 6 at 1:04pm, Steve got to see The Who
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 6 at 4:15pm, Steve got to see The Four Tops
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 6 at 7:39pm, Steve got to see Judas Priest
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 6 at 9:23pm, Steve got to see Queen
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 9:39pm, Matthew got to see U2
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 10:21pm, Matthew got to see Black Sabbath
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on August 7 at 9:00am, Steve got to see Run-D.M.C.
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 7 at 11:36am, Steve got to see Hall & Oates
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 7 at 1:08pm, Steve got to see Queen
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 7 at 2:01pm, Steve got to see Queen
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 7 at 5:31pm, Steve got to see Band für Afrika
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 7 at 7:46pm, Steve got to see Hall & Oates
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on August 7 at 9:47pm, Matthew got to see Thompson Twins
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 8 at 6:47am, Steve got to see The Who
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 8 at 9:00am, Matthew got to see Rick Springfield
Chris vs. William, won by William, on August 8 at 6:00pm, William got to see Black Sabbath
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 8 at 7:40pm, Steve got to see Thompson Twins
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 8 at 8:03pm, Steve got to see Hall & Oates
Steve vs. William, won by Steve, on August 9 at 8:16am, Steve got to see The Beach Boys
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 9 at 9:03am, Steve got to see Rick Springfield
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 9 at 9:52am, Steve got to see The Power Station
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 9 at 11:48am, Steve got to see Spandau Ballet
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 9 at 2:15pm, Steve got to see Hall & Oates
Steve vs. Erik, won by Erik, on August 10 at 7:55pm, Erik got to see Paul McCartney
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on August 10 at 8:28pm, Steve got to see Sting & Phil Collins
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on August 12 at 9:16am, Matthew got to see George Thorogood and the Destroyers
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Chris, on August 12 at 9:52am, Chris got to see Neil Young
Erik vs. Matthew, won by Erik, on August 12 at 9:52am, Erik got to see Patti LaBelle
Erik vs. Matthew, won by Erik, on August 12 at 11:17am, Erik got to see Neil Young
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Chris, on August 12 at 12:01pm, Chris got to see The Hooters
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on August 12 at 12:38pm, Matthew got to see Howard Jones
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Chris, on August 12 at 1:45pm, Chris got to see Mick Jagger
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Chris, on August 12 at 2:08pm, Chris got to see Judas Priest
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Chris, on August 12 at 6:39pm, Chris got to see Nik Kershaw
William vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 13 at 8:52am, Matthew got to see Bryan Adams
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 13 at 9:10am, Scott got to see Bryan Ferry
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Chris, on August 13 at 11:34am, Chris got to see Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
William vs. Matthew, won by William, on August 13 at 11:35am, William got to see Nik Kershaw
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Chris, on August 14 at 6:41pm, Chris got to see USA for Africa
William vs. Matthew, won by William, on August 14 at 6:41pm, William got to see Cliff Richard
Steve vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 15 at 2:00pm, Scott got to see Paul McCartney
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 15 at 8:29pm, Steve got to see Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
William vs. Matthew, won by William, on August 16 at 8:43am, William got to see USA for Africa
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on August 16 at 8:45am, Steve got to see The Power Station
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 16 at 8:35pm, Steve got to see Black Sabbath
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 16 at 8:37pm, Matthew got to see Black Sabbath
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 17 at 5:57am, Matthew got to see Hall & Oates
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 17 at 5:57am, Steve got to see Hall & Oates
William vs. Matthew, won by William, on August 17 at 8:01pm, William got to see Oz for Africa
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 17 at 9:52pm, Steve got to see Duran Duran
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 17 at 9:52pm, Matthew got to see Judas Priest
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 17 at 11:48pm, Matthew got to see Band für Afrika
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 17 at 11:48pm, Steve got to see Neil Young
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on August 18 at 4:00am, Steve got to see Rick Springfield
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 18 at 9:53am, Matthew got to see Rick Springfield
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 18 at 12:31pm, Matthew got to see Led Zeppelin
Erik vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 18 at 3:00pm, Steve got to see Kenny Loggins
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 18 at 5:58pm, Matthew got to see George Thorogood and the Destroyers
William vs. Erik, won by William, on August 18 at 7:00pm, William got to see The Cars
Erik vs. Chris, won by Chris, on August 19 at 2:00am, Chris got to see Eric Clapton
William vs. Chris, won by William, on August 19 at 9:00am, William got to see U2
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 19 at 3:20pm, Matthew got to see Elton John
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on August 20 at 8:46am, Matthew got to see Paul McCartney
Erik vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 20 at 10:00am, Scott got to see Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Chris vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 20 at 10:00am, Scott got to see USA for Africa
Scott vs. William, won by William, on August 21 at 8:50am, William got to see Nik Kershaw
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 21 at 5:48pm, Steve got to see REO Speedwagon
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on August 21 at 5:56pm, Steve got to see The Power Station
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 21 at 8:00pm, Matthew got to see Howard Jones
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 22 at 11:32am, Steve got to see Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 22 at 12:49pm, Steve got to see The Four Tops
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Chris, on August 22 at 1:14pm, Chris got to see Howard Jones
Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 22 at 8:25pm, Steve got to see Led Zeppelin
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on August 23 at 8:04am, Scott got to see Sting & Phil Collins
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Chris, on August 23 at 8:07am, Chris got to see Status Quo
Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 23 at 8:09am, Steve got to see Crosby, Stills & Nash
Erik vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 23 at 9:00am, Matthew got to see The Beach Boys
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on August 23 at 10:02am, Scott got to see Freddie Mercury & Brian May
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on August 23 at 10:17am, Steve got to see Queen
Erik vs. Matthew, won by Erik, on August 23 at 2:21pm, Erik got to see The Style Council
Chris vs. Matthew, won by Chris, on August 23 at 2:22pm, Chris got to see Kenny Loggins
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on August 23 at 2:22pm, Scott got to see The Hooters
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 23 at 8:54pm, Steve got to see Led Zeppelin
Scott vs. Erik, won by Erik, on August 23 at 8:59pm, Erik got to see Neil Young
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 23 at 9:01pm, Matthew got to see Madonna
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 23 at 9:01pm, Steve got to see The Who
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on August 24 at 12:55pm, Steve got to see Crosby, Stills & Nash
Erik vs. Matthew, won by Erik, on August 24 at 4:37pm, Erik got to see Queen
Erik vs. Scott, won by Erik, on August 24 at 6:48pm, Erik got to see Band für Afrika
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 24 at 6:48pm, Steve got to see Bernard Watson
Scott vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 24 at 6:49pm, Matthew got to see Hall & Oates
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 24 at 7:03pm, Matthew got to see Judas Priest
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 24 at 8:01pm, Steve got to see Queen
Erik vs. Matthew, won by Erik, on August 24 at 10:54pm, Erik got to see Dire Straits
Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 25 at 5:00am, Steve got to see Crosby, Stills & Nash
Steve vs. Erik, won by Erik, on August 25 at 9:11am, Erik got to see The Power Station
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 25 at 1:33pm, Matthew got to see Hall & Oates
Erik vs. Scott, won by Erik, on August 25 at 1:37pm, Erik got to see Band für Afrika
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 25 at 1:37pm, Steve got to see Spandau Ballet
Erik vs. Chris, won by Erik, on August 26 at 2:00am, Erik got to see Adam Ant
Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on August 26 at 1:26pm, Steve got to see Paul McCartney
Scott vs. William, won by William, on August 26 at 4:50pm, William got to see Hall & Oates
Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 26 at 4:51pm, Matthew got to see Bernard Watson
Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 26 at 4:51pm, Steve got to see Judas Priest
Scott vs. Erik, won by Erik, on August 26 at 4:52pm, Erik got to see The Who
Chris vs. Scott, won by Chris, on August 26 at 4:52pm, Chris got to see Autograph
Chris vs. William, won by William, on August 28 at 7:00pm, William got to see Rick Springfield
Matthew vs. Chris, won by Chris, on August 28 at 10:11pm, Chris got to see Crosby, Stills & Nash
Matthew vs. William, won by William, on August 28 at 10:12pm, William got to see Elton John
Matthew vs. Erik, won by Erik, on August 28 at 10:12pm, Erik got to see Crosby, Stills & Nash
Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on August 29 at 2:17pm, Steve got to see The Who
Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on September 1 at 11:00am, Steve got to see George Thorogood and the Destroyers
Steve vs. William, won by Steve, on September 1 at 7:00pm, Steve got to see Nik Kershaw
Chris vs. Erik, won by Chris, on September 7 at 2:03pm, Chris got to see George Thorogood and the Destroyers
William vs. Erik, won by William, on September 7 at 7:12pm, William got to see The Who