Scott Hardie
Green Destiny Music


Chris Lemler
Disc golf freak

Trade Rule

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Play Rules

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.


This concert ended in a draw with five artists each.

Turn Log

Challenge: Scott issued the challenge on August 30, 2015.

Accepted: Chris agreed to play on August 30, 2015.

Turn 1: Chris played Unknown Artist to Upstage on August 30, 2015.

Turn 2: Scott played Unknown Artist to Center Stage on August 30, 2015. Unknown Artist was captured at Upstage.

Turn 3: Chris played Unknown Artist to Upstage Right on August 30, 2015. Unknown Artist was captured at Upstage.

Turn 4: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage Left on August 30, 2015. Unknown Artist was captured at Upstage.

Turn 5: Chris played Unknown Artist to Stage Right on August 30, 2015. Unknown Artist was captured at Center Stage.

Turn 6: Scott played Unknown Artist to Stage Left on August 30, 2015. Unknown Artist was captured at Center Stage.

Turn 7: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage Right on August 30, 2015.

Turn 8: Scott played Unknown Artist to Downstage on August 30, 2015. Unknown Artist were captured at Downstage Right.

Turn 9: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage Left on August 30, 2015. Unknown Artist was captured at Stage Left. Unknown Artist was captured at Downstage.


Unknown Artist (R3, 3 5 4 1)Unknown Artist (R3, 2 1 3 1)Unknown Artist (R2, 1 2 1 3)
Unknown Artist (R4, 6 4 4 2)Unknown Artist (R3, 5 3 2 3)Unknown Artist (R7, 2 6 6 5)
Unknown Artist (R10, 8 9 5 9)Unknown Artist (R5, 6 2 3 5)Unknown Artist (R4, 2 3 1 1)

Scott's Unplayed Artist

Unknown Artist (R3, 5 1 1 6)


Chris Lemler | August 30

Scott are you doing birthday cards like you did for the old rock block?

Scott Hardie | August 30

I'm not planning on it, but if I was doing it, who would you choose?

Chris Lemler | August 30

I would like to see Garth Brooks in the game :)

Scott Hardie | August 30

He's likely to be the next country artist added, so you probably won't have to wait long. :-)

Chris Lemler | August 30


Chris Lemler | August 30

this is one of my favorite version of this song.

Scott Hardie | August 30

Not bad. :-)

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