Scott Hardie
Green Destiny Music


Steve West
Dividing By Zero Records


Infamous: Not everyone makes it into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. If the artists in this theme want to get in, they'll have to buy tickets just like the rest of us, despite being nominated for the honor at least once. Let's call them "adjacent to greatness." The good news is, they can be re-nominated as many times as it takes to be voted in, so maybe they won't be stuck on the wrong side of the walls forever.

Trade Rule

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Play Rules

no play rules


Scott won the concert with six artists remaining to Steve's four artists.

Scott took these artists, in accordance with the trade rule:

Unknown Artist (R5, 8 2 3 6)Unknown Artist (R3, 1 0 5 7)

Turn Log

Challenge: Scott issued the challenge on February 10, 2024.

Accepted: Steve agreed to play on February 11, 2024.

Turn 1: Steve played Unknown Artist to Downstage Left on February 11, 2024.

Turn 2: Scott played Unknown Artist to Downstage on February 13, 2024. Unknown Artist were captured at Downstage Left.

Turn 3: Steve played Unknown Artist to Stage Left on February 13, 2024. Unknown Artist were captured at Downstage Left.

Turn 4: Scott played Unknown Artist to Center Stage on February 16, 2024. Unknown Artist were captured at Stage Left.

Turn 5: Steve played Unknown Artist to Upstage Left on February 16, 2024.

Turn 6: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage on February 22, 2024. Unknown Artist was captured at Upstage Left.

Turn 7: Steve played Unknown Artist to Stage Right on February 23, 2024. Unknown Artist were captured at Center Stage.

Turn 8: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage Right on February 27, 2024. Unknown Artist was captured at Stage Right.

Turn 9: Steve played Unknown Artist to Downstage Right on February 27, 2024. Unknown Artist was captured at Stage Right.


Unknown Artist (R5, 8 2 3 6)Unknown Artist (R4, 1 9 1 5)Unknown Artist (R4, 1 3 9 3)
Unknown Artist (R4, 5 8 2 1)Unknown Artist (R5, 6 3 1 9)Unknown Artist (R6, 4 6 4 8)
Unknown Artist (R3, 1 0 5 7)Unknown Artist (R4, 5 8 2 1)Unknown Artist (R5, 6 3 7 3)

Scott's Unplayed Artist

Unknown Artist (R6, 4 6 4 8)


Scott Hardie | February 10

Here's to this year's new batch of nominees.

Steve West | February 16

Why do I keep playing the wrong card? Perhaps new glasses are in order.

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