Chris Lemler
Disc golf freak


Scott Hardie
Green Destiny Music


I Love the '70s: Rock music exploded in popularity and influence during the 1970s, as bands pushed the artistic sensibilities in different directions, developing heavy metal, punk, progressive rock, new wave, and glam rock, among many other genres.

Trade Rule

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Play Rules

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.


Scott won the concert with six artists remaining to Chris's four artists.

Turn Log

Challenge: Chris issued the challenge on July 13, 2017.

Accepted: Scott agreed to play on July 14, 2017.

Turn 1: Scott played Unknown Artist to Center Stage on July 14, 2017.

Turn 2: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage on July 14, 2017. Unknown Artist were captured at Center Stage.

Turn 3: Scott played Unknown Artist to Downstage Left on July 14, 2017. Unknown Artist was captured at Downstage.

Turn 4: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage Right on July 14, 2017. Unknown Artist was captured at Downstage.

Turn 5: Scott played Unknown Artist to Stage Right on July 14, 2017. Unknown Artist was captured at Downstage Right.

Turn 6: Chris played Unknown Artist to Upstage Right on July 14, 2017. Unknown Artist was captured at Stage Right.

Turn 7: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage on July 15, 2017. Unknown Artist was captured at Upstage Right. Unknown Artist were captured at Center Stage.

Turn 8: Chris played Unknown Artist to Stage Left on July 15, 2017. Unknown Artist were captured at Center Stage.

Turn 9: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage Left on July 15, 2017.

Turn 10: Chris played Unknown Artist to Stage Left on July 15, 2017.

Turn 11: Scott played Unknown Artist to Downstage Left on July 15, 2017. Unknown Artist were captured at Stage Left.

Turn 12: Chris played Unknown Artist to Upstage Left on July 15, 2017. Unknown Artist were captured at Stage Left.

Turn 13: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage on July 15, 2017. Unknown Artist was captured at Upstage Left.

Turn 14: Chris played Unknown Artist to Center Stage on July 15, 2017. Unknown Artist were captured at Upstage.

Turn 15: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage Right on July 16, 2017.

Turn 16: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage on July 16, 2017.

Turn 17: Scott played Unknown Artist to Downstage Right on July 16, 2017.

Turn 18: Chris played Unknown Artist to Stage Right on July 16, 2017.

Turn 19: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage Left on July 16, 2017.

Turn 20: Chris played Unknown Artist to Upstage on July 16, 2017. Unknown Artist was captured at Upstage Left.

Turn 21: Scott played Unknown Artist to Center Stage on July 16, 2017. Unknown Artist were captured at Upstage.

Turn 22: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage Left on July 16, 2017.

Turn 23: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage Right on July 16, 2017.

Turn 24: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage on July 16, 2017.

Turn 25: Scott played Unknown Artist to Stage Left on July 16, 2017.

Turn 26: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage Right on July 16, 2017.

Turn 27: Scott played Unknown Artist to Stage Right on July 16, 2017.

Turn 28: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage Left on July 16, 2017.

Turn 29: Scott played Unknown Artist to Center Stage on July 16, 2017.

Turn 30: Chris played Unknown Artist to Stage Left on July 16, 2017.

Turn 31: Scott played Unknown Artist to Downstage on July 16, 2017.

Turn 32: Chris played Unknown Artist to Upstage Left on July 16, 2017.

Turn 33: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage on July 16, 2017.

Turn 34: Chris played Unknown Artist to Upstage Right on July 16, 2017.

Turn 35: Scott played Unknown Artist to Stage Right on July 16, 2017.

Turn 36: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage Right on July 16, 2017.

Turn 37: Scott played Unknown Artist to Downstage Left on July 16, 2017.

Turn 38: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage on July 16, 2017.

Turn 39: Scott played Unknown Artist to Downstage Right on July 16, 2017.

Turn 40: Chris played Unknown Artist to Stage Left on July 16, 2017.

Turn 41: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage Left on July 16, 2017. Unknown Artist were captured at Stage Left.

Turn 42: Chris played Unknown Artist to Stage Right on July 16, 2017. Unknown Artist was captured at Downstage Right.

Turn 43: Scott played Unknown Artist to Center Stage on July 16, 2017. Unknown Artist was captured at Stage Right.

Turn 44: Chris played Unknown Artist to Upstage on July 16, 2017.

Turn 45: Scott played Unknown Artist to Upstage Right on July 16, 2017.


Unknown Artist (R9, 8 7 8 8)Unknown Artist (R8, 3 9 7 9)Unknown Artist (R9, 7 6 9 6)
Unknown Artist (R9, 9 9 5 5)Unknown Artist (R8, 5 9 3 5)Unknown Artist (R9, 7 8 9 4)
Unknown Artist (R9, 9 9 5 5)Unknown Artist (R7, 9 5 6 5)Unknown Artist (R9, 8 9 5 6)
Unknown Artist (R9, 7 8 9 4)Unknown Artist (R8, 3 9 7 9)Unknown Artist (R9, 7 6 9 6)
Unknown Artist (R8, 5 9 3 5)Unknown Artist (R7, 9 5 6 5)Unknown Artist (R9, 9 9 5 5)
Unknown Artist (R9, 8 9 5 6)Unknown Artist (R8, 3 9 7 9)Unknown Artist (R9, 9 9 5 5)

Unknown Artist (R9, 7 8 9 4)Unknown Artist (R8, 3 9 7 9)Unknown Artist (R9, 7 6 9 6)
Unknown Artist (R9, 9 9 5 5)Unknown Artist (R9, 8 9 5 6)Unknown Artist (R9, 8 7 8 8)
Unknown Artist (R9, 9 9 5 5)Unknown Artist (R8, 3 9 7 9)Unknown Artist (R7, 9 5 6 5)

Unknown Artist (R8, 3 9 7 9)Unknown Artist (R8, 3 9 7 9)Unknown Artist (R9, 7 8 9 4)
Unknown Artist (R7, 9 5 6 5)Unknown Artist (R9, 9 9 5 5)Unknown Artist (R9, 7 6 9 6)
Unknown Artist (R9, 9 9 5 5)Unknown Artist (R9, 8 9 5 6)Unknown Artist (R8, 5 9 3 5)

Unknown Artist (R8, 3 9 7 9)Unknown Artist (R8, 3 9 7 9)Unknown Artist (R9, 8 7 8 8)
Unknown Artist (R8, 5 9 3 5)Unknown Artist (R9, 7 6 9 6)Unknown Artist (R9, 7 8 9 4)
Unknown Artist (R9, 9 9 5 5)Unknown Artist (R9, 9 9 5 5)Unknown Artist (R9, 8 9 5 6)

Chris's Unplayed Artist

Unknown Artist (R7, 9 5 6 5)


Scott Hardie | July 15

I see you offering a lot of challenges lately. If there's a particular rule that you're trying to unlock, please let me know if I can help -- like if you're going for a certain number of wins on a particular day, I'll be happy to keep playing concerts with you that day until you have enough wins, if I know that you need them.

Chris Lemler | July 15

If I read your message correct I understand about the be very lucky rule. I'm assuming I have to keep challenging to get a slim opportunity at unlocking that rule. But there is two rules Im going after and that's achieving a rock block and win 5 concerts in 24 hours. Now if you let me have a RB I will be but I don't see that :)

Scott Hardie | July 15

I'd love to pull off a rock block myself! It's proving to be a lot harder in this new version of the game than it was in the classic edition. :-)

Are you saving up wins? That's how I usually do it: Start a lot of concerts over the course of a week. Those that don't look like winners, finish. Those that you're pretty sure you're going to win, don't play the last turn. On the final day before they expire, play the last turns and finish them all. You have to play a lot of concerts this way to produce five wins, but it definitely helps with your odds.

Scott Hardie | July 15

I hope I didn't just explain something obvious that you already knew. :-\

Chris Lemler | July 15

You helped out a lot :)

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