Erik Bates
Jayhawk Records


Chris Lemler
Disc golf freak


Tournament of Champions: You've entered the arena. You've tested your mettle. You've proven yourself worthy, and felt the glory of victory. Now, face off against other tournament champions, using only the artists that you received from tournaments. Will you become the champion of champions?

Trade Rule

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Play Rules

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet.


Chris won the concert with six artists remaining to Erik's four artists.

Turn Log

Challenge: Erik issued the challenge on September 9, 2019.

Accepted: Chris agreed to play on September 10, 2019.

Turn 1: Chris played Unknown Artist to Center Stage on September 10, 2019.

Turn 2: Erik played Unknown Artist to Downstage on September 10, 2019. Unknown Artist were captured at Center Stage.

Turn 3: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage Right on September 10, 2019. Unknown Artist were captured at Downstage.

Turn 4: Erik played Unknown Artist to Stage Right on September 10, 2019.

Turn 5: Chris played Unknown Artist to Upstage Right on September 10, 2019. Unknown Artist were captured at Stage Right.

Turn 6: Erik played Unknown Artist to Upstage on September 10, 2019. Unknown Artist was captured at Upstage Right.

Turn 7: Chris played Unknown Artist to Downstage Left on September 10, 2019.

Turn 8: Erik played Unknown Artist to Upstage Left on September 10, 2019.

Turn 9: Chris played Unknown Artist to Stage Left on September 10, 2019. Unknown Artist were captured at Center Stage.


Unknown Artist (R7, 3 2 8 9)Unknown Artist (R4, 5 1 7 0)Unknown Artist (R4, 6 2 8 1)
Unknown Artist (R7, 4 9 4 5)Unknown Artist (R2, 5 4 4 5)Unknown Artist (R2, 4 3 3 4)
Unknown Artist (R7, 4 9 4 5)Unknown Artist (R2, 4 3 3 4)Unknown Artist (R2, 3 2 2 3)

Erik's Unplayed Artist

Unknown Artist (R6, 4 9 4 5)


Erik Bates | September 10


Scott Hardie | September 10


Erik Bates | September 10

I've never seen that movie... but that was amazing.

Chris Lemler | September 10

Very awesome. Haven't seen the movie either.

Scott Hardie | September 10

It's funnier if you've seen the movie. Whenever the heroes need a vehicle, the spaceman keeps offering to build a spaceship, and they keep turning him down for various reasons, to his disappointment. Finally, at long last, he can... he can build... a SPACESHIP!

It's one of several big laughs. I very much recommend seeing the movie. (It's the first Lego Movie. I don't know about the sequel.)

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