Amanda Ross Bryant
Panda Party

Amanda was the head of Panda Party. She collected 5 artists. In her playing career, she has had 0 wins (0%), 5 losses (100%), and 0 draws (0%).


Image Name Rank Decade Sides Acquired
Unknown Artist 8 1960s 5 9 7 7 September 8, 2014
Unknown Artist 7 1970s 7 9 4 5 September 8, 2014
Unknown Artist 7 1980s 5 6 6 8 September 8, 2014
Unknown Artist 6 1960s 5 5 6 6 September 8, 2014
Unknown Artist 2 2000s 2 1 6 1 September 8, 2014

Trade Rules

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet. (Join Rock Block.)

Play Rules

None yet!


Amanda played these 5 concerts: Automatic Concert: Ca$h Cow Records vs. Panda Party, Battle of the Bands: Panda Party vs. Green Destiny Music, Automatic Concert: Dividing By Zero Records vs. Panda Party, Automatic Concert: Disc golf freak vs. Panda Party, and Automatic Concert: Panda Party vs. Dividing By Zero Records.