Steve Dunn
A.B. Enterprises

Steve was the head of A.B. Enterprises. He collected 5 artists. In his playing career, he has had 0 wins (0%), 5 losses (100%), and 0 draws (0%).


Image Name Rank Decade Sides Acquired
Unknown Artist 7 1970s 9 3 7 6 October 3, 2014
Unknown Artist 5 1970s 1 5 6 7 October 3, 2014
Unknown Artist 4 1990s 4 7 3 2 October 3, 2014
Unknown Artist 2 2010s 3 2 2 3 October 3, 2014

Trade Rules

Unknown: You have not unlocked this rule yet. (Join Rock Block.)

Play Rules

None yet!


Steve played these 5 concerts: Automatic Concert: Disc golf freak vs. A.B. Enterprises, Battle of the Bands: A.B. Enterprises vs. Green Destiny Music, Automatic Concert: A.B. Enterprises vs. Green Destiny Music, Automatic Concert: A.B. Enterprises vs. Disc golf freak, and Automatic Concert: Dividing By Zero Records vs. A.B. Enterprises.

Classic Rock Block

Steve also played in Classic Rock Block, as the head of A.B. Enterprises. In that game, he collected 350 artists. In his playing career, he had 80 wins (27%), 93 losses (32%), and 120 draws (41%).