Scott Hardie: “It sucked.”

Characters in this movie have serious conditions like eye cancer and paranoid schizophrenia and severe social anxiety disorder, but the symptoms are all of the endearing quirky indie-film variety, and they come and go according to the needs of the plot, and they make the characters do really stupid, unrealistic things in the interests of the plot. It's a frustrating movie to watch, because for every one scene of real warmth between the likeable characters, there are three scenes of them acting like imbeciles because they're "special." Jessica Alba really throws herself into the part of the nervous recluse terrified of human contact, even though she's visibly much too old for the part, and most of the supporting actors are pretty good too, even the kids. But the movie is too phony and shallow to have much emotional impact even when it occasionally pulls off a good moment.

− April 24, 2015 • more by Scottlog in or create an account to reply

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