Anna Gregoline: “It was ok.”

I wanted to LOVE this film. I honestly did. Parts of it took my breath away - from the intensity of the action to the emotions of the actors. Brilliant performances throughout this one - and the cinematography took some recent directors to school. But I felt the film tried to do too much - it's almost as if the separate story lines in the film would have been better served as short films instead of one big clump of tenuously connected events. I didn't see much value in connecting the stories that were connected. Absolute best story involved the deaf Japanese girls. Worth at least one viewing, although I'm still mulling over the movie's objective. (Maybe my problem was watching it the first time without subtitles - oh, and my irritation at seeing full frontal female nudity yet again with no male nudity to be had).

− April 23, 2007 • log in or create an account to reply

Amy Austin: Yeah... not really my most favoritest "tranche de vie" film ever, either -- I had the same feeling of tenuous connectivity, accompanied by a serious lingering desire to know more about the fates of many characters -- a noble effort, though, and a superb exposition of the cynical side of human nature. − June 14, 2007 • more by Amy

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