Scott Hardie: “It was ok.”

This disaster flick has a reputation as being above-average but nothing special, and I guess that's accurate enough. I haven't seen its summer-of-1998 twin Armageddon so I couldn't compare. The special effects are good and the threat sufficiently ominous, helped immensely by Morgan Freeman's grave speeches. But the movie feels underwritten, like they got in a few great ideas and sharp lines of dialogue during the rewrite process but didn't have time to finish. Most of the characters don't inspire us to care.

− December 8, 2012 • more by Scottlog in or create an account to reply

Erik Bates: I may be in the minority here, and you, as you mentioned, don't have any way of arguing this point with me, but I think Deep Impact was a superior movie to Armageddon.

Also, that might have been a disgustingly convoluted run-on sentence. − December 10, 2012 • more by Erik

Scott Hardie: I'm well aware of Armageddon's reputation for being loud, dull, and cheesy, so I would expect Deep Impact to be the better of the two, but I'm not in a hurry to put them to the test. − December 10, 2012 • more by Scott

Evie Totty: Hah, cool that this was in my 'recently got a reply' list... even though it's been 4 months!

I DID see both when they came out. Saw DI first and thought it was a MUCH better film than Armageddon (and keep in mind I LOVE Bruce Willis).

I watched it today on TNT since it has been since it was released that I saw it and it made me cry AGAIN.

And of course, this was when I started saying 'Morgan Freeman for President' lol − April 7, 2013 • more by Evie

Scott Hardie: Didn't Morgan Freeman play the president again in Invictus? I guess after playing God in Bruce Almighty, playing the president is kind of slumming it.

Reminders stay in Funeratic's system for as long as they have to. Some people signed up for reminders four years ago and didn't come back to read any, so they have thousands of records in the system waiting for their attention. I am amused at the prospect of one of them returning to find that list waiting for them. :-) − April 8, 2013 • more by Scott

Scott Hardie: And Evie, thanks for letting me know about the email notices on movie reviews. As you've probably noticed, it should be fixed now. − April 8, 2013 • more by Scott

Evie Totty: You are welcome!

I did not see Invictus (does this take regular html?) but he is also playing the Pres in Olympus has Fallen I believe. − May 10, 2013 • more by Evie

Erik Bates: − May 10, 2013 • more by Erik

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