Santa's Slay

Scott Hardie: “It sucked.”
I sat through this flick on basic cable on Christmas Eve while stranded in a hospital with little to do but stare at the TV, so that made me the ideal audience member, and by that I mean it made me the only audience member. I kid; plenty of people enjoy movies like this, D-grade horror films with corny concepts that don't take themselves seriously. I am not one of those people. This was unfunny, unpleasant, and insufficiently amusing. It did have a surprisingly strong roster of supporting actors (Fran Drescher, Robert Culp, Rebecca Gayheart, Chris Kattan, Dave Thomas, and Saul Rubinek all showed up, and a pre-Lost Emilie de Ravin was in there too), but I guess I just wasn't in the mood for a game of look-who-needed-a-paycheck. This movie sucked.
− December 31, 2018 more by Scott log in or create an account to reply
Evie Totty: LOL @ 'look-who-needed-a-paycheck' − December 31, 2018 more by Evie
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