Scott Hardie: “It was ok.”

This is Holmes for ADHD sufferers, a four-hour mystery stuffed into half that time with rapid dialogue and hurried fight scenes. It's fun, with a clever screenplay and classic twists, but the real charms are the lively score and art direction.

− December 28, 2009 • more by Scottlog in or create an account to reply

Jackie Mason: I don't know, I really liked it. But I think going with my dad who helped explain different characters might have helped me a bit. − January 2, 2010 • more by Jackie

Amy Austin: Aw... Daddy time -- that's nice... ;-) − January 2, 2010 • more by Amy

Scott Hardie: Well, I liked it and enjoyed it, but I wouldn't say that it's a good movie just because of that. It's very formulaic, like let's run Holmes through the modern-era blockbuster formula, from his unkempt hair to his world-class physique to the CGI explosions that he can outrun to the washed-out color scheme. Even the shitty poster looks like it was Photoshopped in ten minutes like a gangsta rap album cover. I think the movie lazily copies every fad and style of the moment without trying anything risky, and this makes it "ok." But I still watched it with a grin on my face, because Robert Downey Jr. (miscast as he is) is a great pleasure to watch, and obviously I'm partial to late-Victorian adventures. Here's looking forward to a sequel, if it happens. − January 2, 2010 • more by Scott

Scott Hardie: After seeing this a second time, I liked it even more. It's still beholden to screenwriting formula, but it's also a lot goofier and more freewheeling than it would have been without Robert Downey Jr. Between this and Iron Man, he seems to improve every movie he's in by playing against its nature. I definitely recommend this movie. − March 28, 2010 • more by Scott

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