Scott Hardie: “It ruled.”

Liked: The great special effects, CGI artistry at its best. The small touches of humor with these fine characters, of which there were not enough. Benedict Cumberbatch's very intimidating villain. Benedict Cumberbatch's hair. The fact that something from Deep Space Nine became a major plot element. The re-design of a classic Trek race. The neat title.

Disliked: The overworked script, which introduced plot elements and forgot about them. The bad-faith re-staging of a classic Trek moment. The filmmakers' conviction that there is no scene that can't be improved with explosions. The lack of any apparent feelings about the villain's mass murders. The way that it's easy to guess "surprises" in advance, because the film always chooses to be clever instead of smart.

− May 19, 2013 • more by Scottlog in or create an account to reply

Scott Hardie: This reply contains spoilers. Reveal it. − May 20, 2013 • more by Scott

Scott Hardie: This reply contains spoilers. Reveal it. − May 20, 2013 • more by Scott

Scott Hardie: On further reflection, I'm upgrading my rating on this. I think I was a bit too overwhelmed and a bit too close to the brand to appreciate my feelings about the movie at first. I keep thinking about it and it's better than I gave it credit for. − June 26, 2013 • more by Scott

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Erik Bates: “It ruled.”

This review contains spoilers. Reveal it.

− December 9, 2013 • more by Eriklog in or create an account to reply

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