Week 76: Ascension, The Ghost

Ascension (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. s3 e22) released May 17, 2016 (where to watch)
Team Thor released July 23, 2016 (where to watch)
The Ghost (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. s4 e1) released September 20, 2016
I was a bit confused by the epilogue. It felt like it came out of nowhere. I guess nothing says "we're getting another season" like setting up another arc of Daisy being a pain in everyone's ass, though. I appreciated the final scene with Lincoln and Hive. With the way they accepted their ultimate fate, it would have been appropriate to title this episode Acceptance.
I liked Lincoln as a character, and I'm sad to see his departure so soon. He was a good addition to the team, despite them never really trusting him.
Team Thor
Boring, and honestly hard to believe in the scheme of what was happening in Civil War. In Civil War there wasn't there a comment that they didn't want Hulk involved, and now Tony is begging him to come join in? Though, again, I don't know if I'd put him on Team Stark, considering his history of being tracked and hunted by the government.
But, I get it, it was supposed to be a fun, comedic interlude and I shouldn't take it too seriously. So maybe I should calm down a bit.
The Ghost
Was the bit at the beginning of Daisy getting dressed supposed to deliver anything other than sex appeal? It felt very out of place.
I was a bit confused that a guy driving a muscle car would be referred to as a “rider.” If anything, he’s currently the Ghost Driver.
But I’m nitpicking.
I don’t know much about the Ghost Rider character other than his flaming skull head. I liked his introduction, though. Should be a solid season if this is what we’re starting with.
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