Scott Hardie | December 31, 2022
Thoughts on the passing of Benedict XVI?

Once upon a time, we discussed his selection.

Erik Bates | December 31, 2022
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Samir Mehta | January 2, 2023
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Scott Hardie | January 3, 2023
I don't know whether that movement will dissipate, but perhaps it will lose focus for a time without Benedict as a symbolic figurehead. The world is taking a hard right turn in so many other ways that I expect the Catholic Church to do the same when it's time to elect Francis's successor.

Speaking of which: There's been so much talk of Benedict being the first pope to retire in centuries, but his stated reason ("lack of strength in mind and body") makes me wonder if there won't be another in the next century, due to the elongated lifespans possible with modern medicine. Serving until death and in spite of suffering are considered such important parts of the job that it's unlikely, but perhaps a tiny bit more likely now that Benedict has opened that door.

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