Scott Hardie | June 22, 2014
For Kelly, it's the triangle peg game.

For me, it's sliding tile puzzles.

We all have a weakness when it comes to common simple puzzles, a particular kind that we're no good at no matter how many times we try in vain to do better. What kind confounds you?

Samir Mehta | June 22, 2014
[hidden by request]

Steve West | June 22, 2014
Those "Spot the Differences" type photo puzzles. I can see the obvious differences like the chair now has only three legs but the subtler ones always elude me. And I suck at Othello which is a puzzle of sorts.

Scott Hardie | June 23, 2014
I wondered how long it was going to be before someone mentioned a game on this site. :-)

There's a "spot the difference" app that's popular these days. I suppose if you were playing online and wanted to go to the trouble, you could open the two images in two browser windows, positioned directly on top of each other, and keep tabbing between them to create a flickering effect that reveals the differences. (Goo trivia: The gooed image that Kai's Power Goo outputs is slightly different than the source image that I create in Photoshop. It's slightly zoomed in by 1 pixel or so, and the colors are slightly off. You can only really tell if you layer them and flicker back and forth.)

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