Scott Hardie | January 13, 2011
Sarah Palin says that the press doesn't take her seriously, a near-fatal condition for a political candidate. It's true: No matter what she says, it will wind up twisted until it seems ridiculous. But her complaint misses the bigger picture, that she's largely to blame for the situation herself by so often saying things that are ridiculous in the first place.

That was on my mind this morning as I read Palin's response to the press for insinuating that her violent rhetoric (among that of others) contributed to the terrible shooting spree in Tucson on Saturday. It's true: Jared Loughner was insane, and apparently would have done what he did without such cues in our media culture. But her rebuttal misses the point that her violent rhetoric was wrong to begin with. Incitement to violence should be beyond the pale as campaign speech.

Tonight, Palin is being criticized for using the term "blood libel." It's true: She should not be so insensitive as to appropriate for a sound byte a term with a very serious connotation. But this complaint misses that she is insensitive in general, insensitive of context and meaning and the forest for the trees.

Jon Berry | January 13, 2011
I wish she would just keep quiet, for at least one week. During such a horrible tragedy she would do to realize and realize that even if she feels she's being harshly called out for what was, without question, an idiotic tirade of rhetoric, this is not the time to play the victim and make things worst as she has been.

She doesn't even have to apologize or take the blame, she could show a lot of maturity and not turn this about her. I don't expect her ever to claim she did something wrong, so the least she could do is spare everyone the media circus she will undoubtedly create.

Tony Peters | January 13, 2011
she can't shut up, and she is quite probably the most immature of any of the pols she has no respect for anyone not even the people she clains to represent, back in November Joe Scarborough wrote a good piece about her. Personally I wish she and the rest of the lunatic fringe would leave the GOP but I doubt that's gonna happen anytime soon

Jackie Mason | January 14, 2011
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