Anna Gregoline | April 29, 2004
There was nothing deliberately humorous about the chicken funeral services. Wha?

Lori Lancaster | April 29, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | April 29, 2004
I want to go to Japan so bad it hurts. I have a friend who is going in a few weeks for a grad school thing, and I am super jealous.

Lori Lancaster | April 29, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | April 29, 2004
She doesn't even really want to go - I mean that it's no where she's ever wanted to visit. Argh, it's not fair!

I have absolutely no money now to even consider Japan. But I hope I get there someday.

Jackie Mason | April 30, 2004
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Melissa Erin | April 30, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | April 30, 2004
I am puzzled too?

Kris Weberg | April 30, 2004
Funerals for aborted fetuses, that's how. In fact, I think some of them already do that.

Melissa Erin | April 30, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | April 30, 2004
But for chickens? So these would be pro-life PETA all life supporters?

Melissa Erin | April 30, 2004
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Jackie Mason | May 1, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | May 1, 2004
Pro-choice groups sometimes do the same - with coat hangers representing the number of women who die during back-alley abortions.

Scott Hardie | May 3, 2004
Just wait until some nightly news program devotes an entire 40-minute broadcast to reading the names of women who died during back-alley abortions, then tries to claim it's not politically motivated.

Anna Gregoline | May 3, 2004
Ha, would never happen, even with our "liberal" media.

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