Kris Weberg

Kris wrote these 12 posts for his blog Berserk Wig: Silk appears in Rome, Like the first census in China, * 'Round Midnight, Natural Deselection, Collaborative Theatre with Irrational Actors, Don't Leave Me Hangin' on the Telephone, Like, Real Gone, Daddy-O, Imaginary Exploits of a Hairpiece Gone Mad, Nominal Returns on Unfulfilled Promises, Negative Attention, Cardinal Sins of the Blogosphere, and Constructible Comedy.
Kris wrote 1464 comments in these 1459 discussions: Bonsai Kitten, Harry Potter and the Power of Myth, Toni Morrison and the Seven Deadly Sins, show all »Bonsai Kitten, Harry Potter and the Power of Myth, Toni Morrison and the Seven Deadly Sins, atrix Relo, Ahhnold Vins!, Student Health Care, Coupling, Alabama Antidisestablishmentarianism, Alabama Antidisestablishmentarianism, Alabama Antidisestablishmentarianism, Alabama Antidisestablishmentarianism, Just Surfed on in, Prejudices on TV, Prejudices on TV, Perceptions, Possible Side Effects Are..., Possible Side Effects Are..., Why People Should Read Shakespeare....Or Should They?, Snacking Poll, Possible Side Effects Are..., False Advertising, Clichés, Clichés, Clichés, Measuring Intelligence, King of Queens, King of Queens, Clichés, Clichés, Graduating, SARS, SARS, Lower Voting Age, Saddam's Capture, Saddam's Capture, Gun Control Views, See You Next Year, Resolutions, Guzzle Gas, Get a Tax Break, I am an Onion Article, Space, Space, Space, Space, At It Again, Hatemongers, Madonna ♥ Wesley Clark, Space, Space, Hatemongers, Space, Space, Gun Control Views, Not Kidding, Gun Control Views, Gun Control Views, Backfire for Bush, Arsenio Hall...Gay?, The Sole Question, Politics by Other Means, Politics by Other Means, The Sole Question, Gun Control Views, Parking Lot Privacy, Gay Homer, The Passion of the Christ, In Your Face Philadelphia!, SelectSmart, Designer Babies, Death Ride, When Did Satan Take Over T.V., More Comic-Strip Roundup, Go Active! Happy Meals, Caption Contest, Disney Woes, Impeachment, In Defense of Christian Marriage, Impeachment, Weird Website, Gay Marriage, Impeachment, The Passion of the Christ, Paris Hilton Parody, Warp Factor 8, The Passion of the Christ, Luke Skywalker or Han Solo, Steal This Warning Label, Munchkinism, Web Snob, Beers, Fire This, Gay Marriage, Beers, The Passion of the Christ, Beers, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Girl Scouts Boycotted, Appropriate Propaganda?, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Are You a Feminist?, It's That Time Again..., Crossing Over the Line, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, It's That Time Again..., Gay Marriage, Fat Guys Need Not Apply, "Like Nothing Else in Tennessee...", "Like Nothing Else in Tennessee...", The Blame Game, Gay Princes, Is the FCC Going Too Far?, Gay Princes, A Record of Embarrassment, Gay Marriage, Horse Tales, A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away..., Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, Netflix, Social Promotion, Gay Marriage, The Ten Best Films of 2003 That I Saw (And Other Lists), Netflix, Netflix, The Ten Best Films of 2003 That I Saw (And Other Lists), New Music?, Hot or Not?, Job Hunt, The Ten Best Films of 2003 That I Saw (And Other Lists), The Ten Best Films of 2003 That I Saw (And Other Lists), Really Kool Kubrick, Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon, Hot or Not?, No Sin Sticks While Rolling, Hot or Not?, Hot or Not?, 3D is for Life, Not Games, Letterman vs. White House, Senile Parents, Going Too Far, 3D is for Life, Not Games, 3D is for Life, Not Games, Colored Chicks, And You're Working for No One but Him..., I'm Such a Woman, Fusion Filmmaking, Email Probs, Weird Poll, Cheese That is Painful to the Ears, Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's Off to Work We Go, Legalizing Discrimination in Michigan, Legalizing Discrimination in Michigan, Legalizing Discrimination in Michigan, Gay Marriage, Cheese That is Painful to the Ears, Construction Delays, Cheese That is Painful to the Ears, Legalizing Discrimination in Michigan, Gay Marriage, Cheese That is Painful to the Ears, Cheese That is Painful to the Ears, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Tragic Talent, Photographs of War Dead, Social Promotion, Cheese That is Painful to the Ears, Social Promotion, Photographs of War Dead, Cheese That is Painful to the Ears, Privacy or BS, Web Site Awards, Photographs of War Dead, Social Promotion, Social Promotion, Privacy or BS, Photographs of War Dead, Chicken Memorial, Photographs of War Dead, Privacy or BS, Napster's Fine, in Canada, Photographs of War Dead, Napster's Fine, in Canada, Photographs of War Dead, Electronic Voting, Napster's Fine, in Canada, Napster's Fine, in Canada, Electronic Voting, Iraqi Torture, Iraqi Torture, Iraqi Torture, Iraqi Torture, Iraqi Torture, Iraqi Torture, Gay Marriage, Iraqi Torture, Napster's Fine, in Canada, Iraqi Torture, Gay Marriage, Iraqi Torture, Iraqi Torture, Mandatory Contraception, Morality Play, Iraqi Torture, Morality Play, Moving On..., Iraqi Torture, Iraqi Torture, Iraqi Torture, Iraqi Torture, Gay Marriage, Vaseline, Iraqi Torture, Those Charming Enron Lads, Plus ça change, Those Charming Enron Lads, Gay Marriage, Reagan Dies at Age 93, Iraqi Torture, Iraqi Torture, Media = Evil (Off-Shoot of Reagan Thread), Worst Feeling, Reagan Dies at Age 93, Reagan Dies at Age 93, Iraqi Torture, Netflix, Overrated / Underrated, Lost World, Check, Please, Times to Be Ashamed of Your State, Culture Clash, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Your War on Terror, Help Me Keep My Cat, Gay Marriage, Holidays, Republican Party, Controlled by the Religious Right?, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, American Civic Duties?, Republican Party, Controlled by the Religious Right?, Republican Party, Controlled by the Religious Right?, Fill in the Blank, Military Grunts, Beginning High School, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Republican Party, Controlled by the Religious Right?, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Logically Defensible, We Forgive You, We Forgive You, We Forgive You, Marriage Contracts, We Forgive You, Searching Lockers, We Forgive You, Assault Weapons, Assault Weapons, Assault Weapons, Assault Weapons, Searching Lockers, Searching Lockers, Assault Weapons, Assault Weapons, Assault Weapons, Assault Weapons, We Forgive You, Heard Any Good Jokes Lately?, Marriage Contracts, Assault Weapons, Assault Weapons, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Russia's Now in the Game, Assault Weapons, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, 50 Other Things That CBS News Believes..., Star Wars DVDs, New Gatsby, "Great"?, Your Movie, If You Thought Hummers Were Bad..., Politics at Its Finest..., Politics at Its Finest..., Politics at Its Finest..., Cinenumerology, Cinenumerology, Heard Any Good Jokes Lately?, Heard Any Good Jokes Lately?, Cinenumerology, Cinenumerology, The Non-Christian Evangelist, Politics at Its Finest..., Cinenumerology, Cinenumerology, Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Silver Screen Guilty Pleasure, 50 Other Things That CBS News Believes..., Fees for the Formerly Free, Legalizing Discrimination in Michigan, Silver Screen Guilty Pleasure, Food Guilty Pleasure, 50 Other Things That CBS News Believes..., Music Guilty Pleasure, Silver Screen Guilty Pleasure, 50 Other Things That CBS News Believes..., 50 Other Things That CBS News Believes..., Music Guilty Pleasure, Food Guilty Pleasure, Silver Screen Guilty Pleasure, Silver Screen Guilty Pleasure, Silver Screen Guilty Pleasure, What is the War on Terror?, Retro Gamers, Unite!, First Impressions, Silver Screen Guilty Pleasure, Retro Gamers, Unite!, Retro Gamers, Unite!, Retro Gamers, Unite!, Euthanasia, Retro Gamers, Unite!, Music Round-Up, Silver Screen Guilty Pleasure, Music Round-Up, Euthanasia, Retro Gamers, Unite!, Google Game?, Calling All Civil Engineers, The <Insert Noun Here>, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Hurricanes!, The Debates!, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Hurricanes!, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Where Does Your Profession Swing?, Hurricanes!, I'll Never Understand..., I'll Never Understand..., How About Some Respect at Last?, The Debates!, What is the War on Terror?, Where Does Your Profession Swing?, What is the War on Terror?, I Know Everyone Doesn't Like It But..., Where Does Your Profession Swing?, Where Does Your Profession Swing?, Where Does Your Profession Swing?, What Were the Good Reads?, I Know Everyone Doesn't Like It But..., What is the War on Terror?, Spork Appreciation Thread, What Were the Good Reads?, What is the War on Terror?, What Were the Good Reads?, What is the War on Terror?, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, What Were the Good Reads?, What is the War on Terror?, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Collections, What Were the Good Reads?, The Debates!, The Debates!, The Debates!, The Debates!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, How Erik Spent His Thursday, What Were the Good Reads?, Goodbye Superman, Goodbye Grammatology, White Ovals, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, The Debates!, The Debates!, Daydreaming, The Debates!, Fight for Your Right, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, I Want Them All, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, The Museum of You, Here are Your Fifteen... Oye!, Goodbye Superman, Goodbye Grammatology, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, The Debates!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Pathetic....But Funny, Here are Your Fifteen... Oye!, What Were the Good Reads?, Here are Your Fifteen... Oye!, What Were the Good Reads?, Fight for Your Right, Identity Theft, Identity Theft, What Were the Good Reads?, Brain Death, The Museum of You, White Ovals, I Want Them All, Identity Theft, Goodbye Superman, Goodbye Grammatology, What Were the Good Reads?, Brain Death, Fight for Your Right, I Want Them All, Here are Your Fifteen... Oye!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Goodbye Superman, Goodbye Grammatology, Brain Death, What Were the Good Reads?, I Want Them All, Daydreaming, Brain Death, Banned Books, Goodbye Superman, Goodbye Grammatology, Time After Time After Time..., Time After Time After Time..., US Reservists Refuse to Drive Convoys, US Reservists Refuse to Drive Convoys, Silver Screen Working Stiffs, Time After Time After Time..., Another Hang-Up, US Reservists Refuse to Drive Convoys, Silver Screen Working Stiffs, Silver Screen Working Stiffs, Banned Books, Another Hang-Up, Feel a Draft?, Time After Time After Time..., Banned Books, Wherefore Art Thou ----?, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Silver Screen Working Stiffs, Flu Shot Madness, Feel a Draft?, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Wherefore Art Thou ----?, Flu Shot Madness, Flu Shot Madness, Flu Shot Madness, Flu Shot Madness, Silver Screen Working Stiffs, The End of the World, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Silver Screen Working Stiffs, Flu Shot Madness, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Silver Screen Working Stiffs, Wherefore Art Thou ----?, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, What is the War on Terror?, The End of the World, Bad Medicine, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, The Funniest, Flu Shot Madness, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Wherefore Art Thou ----?, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Flu Shot Madness, What is the War on Terror?, Wherefore Art Thou ----?, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Wherefore Art Thou ----?, God as Law?, Third Party Candidates, God as Law?, Doctor Gonzo Endorses Kerry, Photo Call, Doctor Gonzo Endorses Kerry, Doctor Gonzo Endorses Kerry, TC Kiddy Style, TC Kiddy Style, But I'm Sure There Won't Be a Draft....., Flu Shot Madness, US Reservists Refuse to Drive Convoys, Not in Kansas Any More, Banned Books, Twenty, Offroad, God as Law?, TC Kiddy Style, When Did Satan Take Over T.V., When Did Satan Take Over T.V., Banned Books, Offroad, Offroad, Offroad, Offroad, US Reservists Refuse to Drive Convoys, US Reservists Refuse to Drive Convoys, US Reservists Refuse to Drive Convoys, Twenty, Banned Books, When Did Satan Take Over T.V., Banned Books, Offroad, God as Law?, Not in Kansas Any More, Entertainment Rejects, Lazy Kids?, This Might Be Too Personal..., The Wise Guys (And Gals), Horror Movies, Television Exec, Not in Kansas Any More, Entertainment Rejects, Entertainment Rejects, Entertainment Rejects, When Did Satan Take Over T.V., Using Animals as Art, Using Animals as Art, Using Animals as Art, When Did Satan Take Over T.V., When Did Satan Take Over T.V., When Did Satan Take Over T.V., The Big One, Using Animals as Art, When Did Satan Take Over T.V., Banned Books, When Did Satan Take Over T.V., Horror Movies, Banned Books, Entertainment Rejects, The Wise Guys (And Gals), Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Entertainment Rejects, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, When Did Satan Take Over T.V., When Did Satan Take Over T.V., Banned Books, When Did Satan Take Over T.V., When Did Satan Take Over T.V., Support Our Troops?, Bush in League with the Empire, Support Our Troops?, Support Our Troops?, Support Our Troops?, US Reservists Refuse to Drive Convoys, Support Our Troops?, Support Our Troops?, Support Our Troops?, Support Our Troops?, Support Our Troops?, Lazy Kids?, Don't Blame Me I Voted for Kodos, The Holiday Season, The Holiday Season, Offroad, Offroad, Don't Blame Me I Voted for Kodos, Offroad, Lazy Kids?, Support Our Troops?, Bush in League with the Empire, Goo Reborn, Horror Movies, Horror Movies, My Eyes!, Kids Vote, The Nights That Aren't, Election Day, Election Day, Election Day, Election Day, Got a Nickname, Tell Us How It Came About!, The Next Four Years, The Start of the Real Life Terminator, W. 2004, Halloween Candy, The Start of the Real Life Terminator, Toilet Paper, The Start of the Real Life Terminator, We are All Stars, Election Day, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Toilet Paper, The Next Four Years, Election Day, The Next Four Years, Gay Marriage, W. 2004, W. 2004, Election Day, Election Day, Gay Marriage, W. 2004, Gay Marriage, W. 2004, Kwazy Kops, Who Celebrated Guy Fawkes Day Today?, Gay Marriage, Firebrand, Horror Movies, Straight Marriage, We are All Stars, Rolando , Shave Years Off Your Life as a Free Citizen! Nxjun13w, The Nights That Aren't, Kwazy Kops, The Next Four Years, Straight Marriage, The Next Four Years, The Next Four Years, Straight Marriage, The Next Four Years, The Next Four Years, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Patriotic Suicide, Firebrand, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, What Culture Would You Choose?, What Culture Would You Choose?, Party Dips and Chips, TV Trivia Time!, The Next Four Years, Start Kissing Your Reproductive Rights Goodbye, Ladies, Start Kissing Your Reproductive Rights Goodbye, Ladies, More Twisted News, Best Movie Quotes, Best Movie Quotes, Best Movie Quotes, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, The Next Four Years, Greek Homophobia, Black Friday, Black Friday, Black Friday, Greek Homophobia, Black Friday, Greek Homophobia, Greek Homophobia, British Vocabulary, The Creation Museum, Greek Homophobia, The Creation Museum, The Creation Museum, Greek Homophobia, Current Goo, British Vocabulary, Black Friday, Wal-Mart Sued Over Objectionable Lyrics, Confederate Flag T-Shirts, Tolerance and Acceptance is Controversial, Stupid Names, Album of the Year, Followed Fast and Followed Faster, Surviving Christmas, Surviving Christmas, Album of the Year, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, Wal-Mart Sued Over Objectionable Lyrics, Wal-Mart Sued Over Objectionable Lyrics, Wal-Mart Sued Over Objectionable Lyrics, Followed Fast and Followed Faster, Album of the Year, The Creation Museum, Wal-Mart Sued Over Objectionable Lyrics, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, Traditionnnnnnn! Tradition!, Smokes for Troops, Advertising Madness, Scott's Pet Peeve #2033, Interpret This Song..., The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, The Creation Museum, Where Do You Stand?, Where Do You Stand?, Where Do You Stand?, Where Do You Stand?, Where Do You Stand?, I Hate These Republicans, Where Do You Stand?, Your Tax Dollars at Work, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, 2005: The Year of the Sucking!, The Ten Best Films of 2004 That I Saw, The Ten Best Films of 2004 That I Saw, Daily Oddities, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Advertising Madness, Gay Marriage, Traditionnnnnnn! Tradition!, What's Your Favorite Color?, Traditionnnnnnn! Tradition!, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, Where Do You Stand?, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, What's Your Favorite Color?, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, What's Your Favorite Color?, Taking a Stand, Stupid Names, The Ten Best Films of 2004 That I Saw, Taking a Stand, What's Your Favorite Color?, A Refreshingly Clean Thread, The TC Book/Movie Club, The TC Book/Movie Club, Sigh, Taking a Stand, Scott's Pet Peeve #5847, Traditionnnnnnn! Tradition!, Sigh, The TC Book/Movie Club, Traditionnnnnnn! Tradition!, The TC Book/Movie Club, Traditionnnnnnn! Tradition!, Scott's Pet Peeve #5847, Scott's Pet Peeve #5847, Favorite Muppet, Under the Sea, The Big One, Under the Sea, Taking a Stand, The TC Book/Movie Club, Cereal Stars, The TC Book/Movie Club, Cereal Stars, Intolerable, Heeeeere's Johnny, Amy, Let's Start Over, Identification of New Cancer Gene?, Identification of New Cancer Gene?, Identification of New Cancer Gene?, Hi Everyone, Suicide Train, The Ten Best Films of 2004 That I Saw, The Ten Best Films of 2004 That I Saw, Suicide Train, Suicide Train, Jumpy Monkey, Predict the Oscars 2005, Suicide Train, Predict the Oscars 2005, Suicide Train, Suicide Train, I'm Such a Woman, Jumpy Monkey, Favorite Muppet, Identification of New Cancer Gene?, Favorite Muppet, Heeeeere's Johnny, Amy, Let's Start Over, Identification of New Cancer Gene?, Amy, Let's Start Over, Amy, Let's Start Over, Suicide Train, Amy, Let's Start Over, Amy, Let's Start Over, Amy, Let's Start Over, Chimeras!, Amy, Let's Start Over, Where Do You Stand?, Amy, Let's Start Over, Chimeras!, Chimeras!, Where Do You Stand?, Chimeras!, Where Do You Stand?, Chimeras!, Chimeras!, Where Do You Stand?, Chimeras!, Chimeras!, Where Do You Stand?, Selfishness in Regards to Children, Favorite Muppet, Favorite Muppet, Selfishness in Regards to Children, Selfishness in Regards to Children, Amy, Let's Start Over, Digital Cameras, 24: The New Season, The State of the Union 2005, Selfishness in Regards to Children, 2604, The State of the Union 2005, 2604, 2604, Selfishness in Regards to Children, The State of the Union 2005, Up All Night, Les Mis, Up All Night, 2604, Up All Night, Freaky Science Idea, Up All Night, They Can Put a Man on the Moon, but They Can't..., They Can Put a Man on the Moon, but They Can't..., Gay Marriage, 2604, They Can Put a Man on the Moon, but They Can't..., They Can Put a Man on the Moon, but They Can't..., They Can Put a Man on the Moon, but They Can't..., They Can Put a Man on the Moon, but They Can't..., Twisted Cosplay, Gay Marriage, They Can Put a Man on the Moon, but They Can't..., Gay Marriage, Loonatics, Loonatics, Loonatics, Loonatics, Loonatics, Gay Marriage, Loonatics, Loonatics, Gay Marriage, Name Popularity Over the Years, Hunter, Hunter, Air Head, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Why in My Neighborhood?, The Paradox of the Law, The Paradox of the Law, Here I Come...I Guess, Air Head, The Paradox of the Law, Grid Strategy, America the Oddly Beautiful, The Paradox of the Law, Air Head, America the Oddly Beautiful, Grid Strategy, What the Hell is Wrong with Some People, Hunter, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Horse Tales, Here I Come...I Guess, Fellow Democrats: Prepare to Lose, Again, Horse Tales, Horse Tales, Episode III Trailer, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, The Original Author is Dead? So What!, Super Size Me, Fellow Democrats: Prepare to Lose, Again, D+D = Psychologist?, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Super Size Me, Super Size Me, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Les Mis, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Super Size Me, Euthanasia, Super Size Me, Super Size Me, Super Size Me, Euthanasia, Super Size Me, Super Size Me, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Super Size Me, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Euthanasia, Too-Political Cartoons, What's So Funny?, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Euthanasia, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Ban This, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Super Size Me, Plagarism and Payback, Super Size Me, Euthanasia, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Euthanasia, A Massive Failure of Intelligence, Euthanasia, Finally It's Over, Finally It's Over, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Euthanasia, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Euthanasia, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Euthanasia, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Super Size Me, Summer Movie Season, Euthanasia, Super Size Me, Plagarism and Payback, Tom Delay vs. the Judiciary, D+D = Psychologist?, Tom Delay vs. the Judiciary, Keeping the Mother Tongue in West Virginia, Tom Delay vs. the Judiciary, Tom Delay vs. the Judiciary, Tom Delay vs. the Judiciary, Keeping the Mother Tongue in West Virginia, Tom Delay vs. the Judiciary, The Sweet Taste of Success, Keeping the Mother Tongue in West Virginia, Keeping the Mother Tongue in West Virginia, Time Capsules 'r Us, Entertain Me, Fantasy Wish List, College Coursework Questions, College Coursework Questions, Time Capsules 'r Us, Television Zombies?, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Time Capsules 'r Us, Television Zombies?, Time Capsules 'r Us, Television Zombies?, College Coursework Questions, Non-Book Learnin', College Coursework Questions, The Cheat is in Trouble, When Good Movies Go Bad, What's Wrong with Me?, The Sweet Taste of Success, The Cheat is in Trouble, Non-Book Learnin', Time Capsules 'r Us, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Non-Book Learnin', Summer Movie Season, The Cheat is in Trouble, Scrapegoat, Stubborn, What's Wrong with Me?, Ein Kind Der Kunst, The Sweet Taste of Success, Summer Movie Season, Summer Movie Season, Summer Movie Season, Not So Fonda, Catholicism: A New Pope, Tom Delay vs. the Judiciary, Not So Fonda, Tom Delay vs. the Judiciary, Pareidolia, Tom Delay vs. the Judiciary, Pareidolia, Not So Fonda, Pareidolia, A Bit of Star Wars Crazyness, Pizza, More Negative Views of Role-Playing, Assignment: Cinematic Gender Reversal, When Good Movies Go Bad, When Good Movies Go Bad, When Good Movies Go Bad, When Good Movies Go Bad, Guilty Pleasures, Who are You?, Who are You?, That's Hot?, Bond... Jimmy Bond, Reality Television, When Good Movies Go Bad, Reality Television, That's Hot?, Bond... Jimmy Bond, The Crimson Room, The Crimson Room, Reality Television, That's Hot?, That's Hot?, The Crimson Room, Reality Television, When Good Movies Go Bad, Assignment: Cinematic Gender Reversal, Stubborn, The Three Useful Words/Phrases Other People Don't Know, The Three Useful Words/Phrases Other People Don't Know, Chasing Greatness, That's Hot?, The Three Useful Words/Phrases Other People Don't Know, That's Hot?, The Three Useful Words/Phrases Other People Don't Know, That's Hot?, That's Hot?, &%*&$#@!!!, &%*&$#@!!!, Revenge of the Sith, &%*&$#@!!!, The Three Useful Words/Phrases Other People Don't Know, Guilty Pleasures, &%*&$#@!!!, Reality Television, Hmmm... Creative Precaution or Chic Fashion Statement?, That's Hot?, &%*&$#@!!!, Four True Things, Happy Birthday, Scott!, Four True Things, That's Hot?, That's Hot?, &%*&$#@!!!, Four True Things, Ok, Why?, Four True Things, Ok, Why?, Four True Things, Four True Things, Four True Things, Four True Things, Happy Birthday, Scott!, Ok, Why?, Four True Things, That's Hot?, Four True Things, Four True Things, That's Hot?, That's Hot?, Rotten to the Corps, Revenge of the Sith, That's Hot?, Rotten to the Corps, I Have Never, I Have Never, I Have Never, Rotten to the Corps, Rotten to the Corps, Rotten to the Corps, Rotten to the Corps, More Retired Phrases, Hmmm... Creative Precaution or Chic Fashion Statement?, Welcome to the Jungle, About 11 Months Later, Not Part of the Solution, Not Part of the Solution, Not Part of the Solution, Not Part of the Solution, The Dark Knight, Flag Burning Amendment, Why Does the Supreme Court Hate Americans?, Flag Burning Amendment, Flag Burning Amendment, Kitten Cannon, Flag Burning Amendment, I Wanna Be Sed8ed, Open Letters, Not Part of the Solution, Open Letters, The Dark Knight, Sandra D Retires, The Dark Knight, War of the Worlds, Sandra D Retires, A Grump Considers the Slump, Cosmic Injustice, Deadbeat Dad, Deadbeat Dad, Deadbeat Dad, Deadbeat Dad, Deadbeat Dad, Donchya Wanna... Wanna Fanta?, Making School Rule, Rockin Trend in Advertising, Thorough Music Reviews, Brandy is Good, Anno Stupiditas, Jennings Dies Suddenly, Katrina, Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at Age 80, Aaron Burr, Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at Age 80, The Da Vinci Code, Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at Age 80, Katrina, Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at Age 80, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at Age 80, Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at Age 80, Firefly, The Pains One Goes Through for Beauty, Kanji, Anna's Wedding, Anna's Wedding, Kanji, The Pains One Goes Through for Beauty, Parenting Students, Kanji, Parenting Students, Parenting Students, Tiananmen Square 20 Odd Years Early and in Our Own "Back Yard", The New 007, Women's Options in the Present, The New 007, Clearing the Field, Thorough Music Reviews, The Revolution Will Be Mandatory, Consuming More Popculture, Consuming More Popculture, Oiling the Squeaky Wheels of Childhood, Perpetuating the Anime Stereotype, Perpetuating the Anime Stereotype, Perpetuating the Anime Stereotype, Big Man, Perpetuating the Anime Stereotype, Perpetuating the Anime Stereotype, Green Puppy, Feeding Frenzy in Aisle Five!, Movies to See!, The Final Frontier of Prank Television, The Holiday Season, Childish Behavior?, Unabandoned, The Holiday Season, Unabandoned, Feeding Frenzy in Aisle Five!, Planet of the Apes, Controversial Conversation: Proceed with Caution, Planet of the Apes, Planet of the Apes, Controversial Conversation: Proceed with Caution, Controversial Conversation: Proceed with Caution, Controversial Conversation: Proceed with Caution, Planet of the Apes, Controversial Conversation: Proceed with Caution, Controversial Conversation: Proceed with Caution, Planet of the Apes, Lexus Be Serious, The Holiday Season, Passion of Benny Hill, Happy Holidays to All, New Years Eve Plans?, New Rules, Guess Who Put the Ass in Assassination, Guess Who Put the Ass in Assassination, Guess Who Put the Ass in Assassination, Guess Who Put the Ass in Assassination, Congress vs. the Trolls...., Congress vs. the Trolls...., Congress vs. the Trolls...., Goo Game / TC Crossovers, Congress vs. the Trolls...., Gay Marriage, Gaijin Card, Nanjing Massacre and Other Stuff, Goddamn Women, Congress vs. the Trolls...., Congress vs. the Trolls...., Congress vs. the Trolls...., Gluttons, Awaiting Punishment, The Future of Movie Theatres?, Congress vs. the Trolls...., Congress vs. the Trolls...., Gluttons, Awaiting Punishment, And Now for Something Completely Political, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Protect Us From... Vegans?, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, The Ten Best Films of 2005 That I Saw, The Ten Best Films of 2005 That I Saw, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Coming Attractions, Cheney Needs New Glasses, Cheney Needs New Glasses, Cheney Needs New Glasses, Cheney Needs New Glasses, Cheney Needs New Glasses, Cheney Needs New Glasses, Cheney Needs New Glasses, XM vs Sirius, XM vs Sirius, XM vs Sirius, Flying Kitties, Flying Kitties, Quick Celebrity Poll, Quick Celebrity Poll, Predict the Oscars 2006, Coming Attractions, Coming Attractions, One Minor Change Request, Coming Attractions, Quick Celebrity Poll, Every Picture Tells a Story, Coming Attractions, Homeless and Helpless, A Twister, Auntie Em! A Twister!, Coming Attractions, Chef Leaves South Park, "I Want These Motherfucking Snakes Off the Motherfucking Plane!", Coming Attractions, Coming Attractions, Coming Attractions, Coming Attractions, Coming Attractions, Kinda Quiet - So Let's Start Something, Hype Kills, Work Work Work, When Will the US Invade Iran?, Ol' Dirty Bastard in Florida, Trends That Suck/Kick Ass, Trends That Suck/Kick Ass, Underwear! In the Streets!, McCain Does Not Speak for Me, McCain Does Not Speak for Me, McCain Does Not Speak for Me, Happy Birthday Scott!, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Movies, Movies, You Know You're Old When..., Chicago!, It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's.........., When in Doubt, Blame Teens, Twisted Ice Cream, Angry E Mailers Demand Action, Angry E Mailers Demand Action, It Has All Gone to Heck, It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's.........., Israel, Twisted Ice Cream,, Nerd Out, Weird Sitemeter Searches, Israel, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, Weird Sitemeter Searches, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, Dude You Have Sex with Children!!, Gay Marriage, Nerd Out, Dude You Have Sex with Children!!, Nerd Out, Saving Scottie Ho, Twisted Ice Cream, Duh, Angry E Mailers Demand Action, "The Big One" Maybe..., Gay Marriage, The Have WMDs and the Have Not WMDs, Angry E Mailers Demand Action, Comedy and Gender Politics, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, Making the Game, Overrated / Underrated, Eye on Ahmadinejad, Eye on Ahmadinejad, Give Me a Break...Is Nothing Sacred!!!, Give Me a Break...Is Nothing Sacred!!!, Comedy and Gender Politics, Lori is Gonna Get Me Fired...., Lori is Gonna Get Me Fired...., Comedy and Gender Politics, Who's on a Leash Now?, Crikey!!!, Crikey!!!, Smell Ya Later, Sommeliers, Smell Ya Later, Sommeliers, More Negative Views of Role-Playing, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, Deeply Sorry, Eight Bucks, Eight Bucks, Six-Legged Lunch at Six Flags, Contents Under Pressure, The Last Sex Scandal, Eventual One-Hit Wonders, Six-Legged Lunch at Six Flags, Eventual One-Hit Wonders, Eventual One-Hit Wonders, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, Happy Birthday, Kris!, The History of, The Nietzsche Family Circus, Cultural Learnings of Borat, Pumpkin Time, Citizenship is No Longer "20 Questions", Happy Birthday Anna!, Browser Shift, The Internet is for Porn, Cultural Learnings of Borat, Soundtrack to Your Life, More Shootings Avoided, Cultural Learnings of Borat, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, 2006 Election Results, Cultural Learnings of Borat, The Ultimate Discussion, The Ultimate Discussion, When There's Not a Dog Handy..., The Ultimate Discussion, Yo, Adrian, The End of FIN, The Ultimate Discussion, Part II, The Ultimate Discussion, The Ultimate Discussion, 10 Random Things I Learned in 2006, Justice Not So Blind, They Made Their Own Bed..., Justice Not So Blind, Like Son, Like Mother, Don't Bostonians Watch Adult Swim?, Like Son, Like Mother, Justice Not So Blind, Like Son, Like Mother, Pictures of Wounded Marine with Bride, Like Son, Like Mother, What We Do in Life Echoes in Other Movies for Eternity, Oscars 2007, What We Do in Life Echoes in Other Movies for Eternity, Like Son, Like Mother, Justice Not So Blind, Oscars 2007, You May Be a Dork If..., You May Be a Dork If..., You May Be a Dork If..., You May Be a Dork If..., Death Penalty, You May Be a Dork If..., You May Be a Dork If..., Death Penalty, Death Penalty, Death Penalty, Death Penalty, Largo Embargo, Death Penalty, "My Sweet Lord", "My Sweet Lord", "My Sweet Lord", "My Sweet Lord", Hung Out to Dry, Hung Out to Dry, Largo Embargo, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, So It Goes...., Largo Embargo, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, Largo Embargo, So It Goes...., His Last Words?, Weird Weight Loss Trends, So It Goes...., Largo Embargo, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, School Terror in Virginia, School Terror in Virginia, School Terror in Virginia, School Terror in Virginia, School Terror in Virginia, Easy as A-B-D, Easy as A-B-D, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage, Happy Birthday, Scott!, Pirates 3, Drink at 16, Drive at 18, Book Recommendations, Things That Still Exist – and Shouldn't, The Sopranos, One Hit Wasn't Enough for These Wonders, I am #13, Bitches!!!!, One Hit Wasn't Enough for These Wonders, One Hit Wasn't Enough for These Wonders, The Sopranos, Top 100 Films, Top 100 Films, Weak Link?, Top 100 Films, Experimentation, Top 100 Films, Top 100 Films, Key to a Good Marriage? Share Housework, Key to a Good Marriage? Share Housework, Cultural Blind Spots, Soda, Definitely Soda, Sequel Wishlist, Gay Marriage, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Supermax, Mashups Waiting to Happen, What is So Funny About That?!?!, Happy Birthday, Kris!, The Dark Knight, The Eww Factor, Child Star Children, Deo Volente, Blood Oranges, The Dark Knight, Another One Bites the Dust, Another One Bites the Dust, Another One Bites the Dust, Political Clichés, Political Clichés, Another One Bites the Dust, Another One Bites the Dust, The Scott Hardie Appreciation Thread, The Scott Hardie Appreciation Thread, Another One Bites the Dust, Compliment Chain, The Scott Hardie Appreciation Thread, Blood Oranges, Oscar Season, Your Supreme Court in Action, Anal Fixation, How Many Months Until November is It Again?, How Many Months Until November is It Again?, Tim Russert Dies, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight, Democratic Party Crashers, Democratic Party Crashers, Objectivism and the GOP, Patriotic Suicide, Star Trek: The Other Motion Picture, Declawing Cats, The Lion in Winter, Kagan, and Belated Captions Please.
Kris wrote 68 replies to these 68 blog posts: Where the Hell I Have Been All Year, Part I, The goggles, they do nothing..., 3-VIII-2006 or Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em!, Like the first census in China, 2-VIII-2006 or Why am I so angry?, Two Star Movies, 7-VIII-2006 or Pants off Dance off!, Two Star Movies, Two Star Movies, Natural Deselection, 14-VIII-2006 or "A bombardment?" "An OBSCENE one!!", 17-VIII-2006 or I am a little japanese girl!, 18-VIII-2006 or Are you doing that on purpose?, How do you know if you have food poisoning?, "The Human Condition", Eulogy for Two or Possibly Three Restaurants, The Importance of Being Richard, I Can Deflect Staples, Office Party, Being Rich, Collaborative Theatre with Irrational Actors, Thorough Performance Reviews, Like, Real Gone, Daddy-O, Like, Real Gone, Daddy-O, Like, Real Gone, Daddy-O, Starting this thing off right, The Aggravation of Blog Readers by the Movie-Spoiler Scott Hardie, The Flight from hell, 1-IX-2006 or TT4N!, Throw Out Your Caller ID, Sinners and Losers, Can't Blog Now..., Nominal Returns on Unfulfilled Promises, End of Day Unloaded, Very Unique, Negative Attention, Normal Paranormal, Good Company and Busy Nights, False Hope, More Than Meets the Eye, Rethinking Forrest Gump, Bubba Franks! Bubba Franks, Y'all, Rolling Revisionism, Blog Entry Post, Size Matters, Constructible Comedy, Women suck!, Eschew Obfuscation, His Name is Bond, Kissingerian, The Weekend of Soup, Cocoa spills and Larry David, The old, new James Bond..., Kissingerian, Mile-High Hypocrisy, 24-I-2006 or Holy crap! I'm stealing internet!, Shoulda Seen It Coming, Upsetting the Pace, More than just brainless entertainment, You Won't See This in the Goo Game, 29-III-2007 or But you can't stop this, ya narcissist! :P, Doppelgänger, People charging me money for nothing..., Scooter, Not Exactly Red Hot, Dumb Celebrity Quotes, Abe, Honest, and 4-III-2008 or I Kick Ass For The Lord!.