Anna Gregoline | August 5, 2004
I've been reading a book about capital punishment, and it's making me think about the prison system. Should prison inmates be allowed to take college courses? What should be allowed in prison cells? Should inmates be allowed to read, watch television, etc.?

Erik Bates | August 5, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | August 5, 2004
What about the lifers? Absolutely life withouth parole. I was reading about Georgia, a particular prison where over 80% of the men will never leave.

Erik Bates | August 5, 2004
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Scott Horowitz | August 5, 2004
I say we get rid of prisons. For every crime someone commits, you just shove a living snake up their ass. Crime will be next to nothing :)

Nah, I agree with Erik. Prison is a place where men and women should learn to better themselves. Not all people in prison for life are happy with their decisions to put them there. Let them work on beomcina better human being, if not for society, than for themselves.

Melissa Erin | August 5, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | August 5, 2004
I think it's weird though - I mean, I get what you're saying, but then I think, what if someone murdered my mother, or my sister, or my boyfriend - would I want him siting with his life sentence (in this example) and learning? And reading, and having any enjoyment whatsoever? I guess it doesn't matter, as he'll never get out, but...

Melissa Erin | August 5, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | August 6, 2004
That's what I meant though - what if they are in for life? No one is in jail for life for drugs or theft. It's going to be murder, and rape, and murder with children involved, etc. So what then?

Melissa Erin | August 6, 2004
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Scott Hardie | August 7, 2004
If somebody hurt my family, and I wanted them to suffer, I would make them watch cable TV in prison. I would deprogram everything except infomercials, and I would break the off switch on the television.

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