Chris Lemler | January 8, 2018
Wondering how you get and exclusive deal on a band. I saw Scott, that you had an exclusive deal on it and just trying to figure out how that is possible?

Erik Bates | January 8, 2018
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | January 8, 2018
Yes I did.

As excited as I am to have pulled it off, and to have unlocked the bounty of awesome stuff that comes with it, I'm most pleased just to have proof that it's still possible to do that. In the original version of the game, rock blocks were not commonplace but still happened once in a while, perhaps a few times each year. But in this new version of the game that started in 2014, this is the first time it has happened at all! I know that we have fewer players this time, but it was starting to seem like it was never going to happen. I'm relieved.

Erik, I don't know whether you anticipated that outcome when you made your last play, but I appreciate the opportunity either way. I hope you don't feel, I don't know, dunked on or something. I want players to score rock blocks on me so that I have more opponents to share the awesome stuff with, and because it makes the game fun. :-)

Erik Bates | January 9, 2018
[hidden by request]

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