Scott Hardie | August 29, 2010
I have no problem with Glenn Beck's message. There are parts that I agree with and others that I disagree with, but whatever, it's fine.

The thing that I don't understand is how anybody can take him seriously. He is just so obviously phony, a man who will say or do anything to get richer, and honestly believes in very little of it. Rush Limbaugh says a lot of loony things, but he strikes me as sincerely believing at least in the core philosophy that he espouses. Beck's whole act just seems like a practiced lie from start to finish, with the well-timed emotional breaks in his voice and the repeated emphasis on the same keywords over and over. I listen to him talk and try to imagine that he's genuine, and I just can't do it.

Yesterday's "restoring honor" rally had nothing to do with honor. It was about generating lots of headlines, pandering to his devoted followers, making good with the Christians he'd alienated, and positioning himself even more as a major conservative voice in America. The people who take him seriously as a leader, just like the people who take Sarah Palin seriously, strike me as so desperate to support certain principles (and find someone to guide them) that they've convinced themselves that these opportunistic frauds are worthy of high stature. The news media, eager for content, play along.

If I were a more bitter person, I would probably cheer on Beck's lying his way into more millions of dollars; he's figured out a clever way to get rich and it's not his fault if people are gullible. Mostly I just find it sad that people aren't more critical and skeptical. The only people who seem to speak out against him are people who are already liberal.and attack his approach because they have a problem with his message. It shouldn't be a left-right thing; much worse things could be said about Al Sharpton, a phony on the left. Maybe everybody is just busy ignoring Glenn Beck, which would seem like a healthy thing to do, if he weren't making it so difficult.

Samir Mehta | August 29, 2010
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Scott Hardie | August 29, 2010
I can see the Beck/Beale comparison, but it ends at Beale calling out the shadowy powers controlling his interests. Beck is in too deep for him ever to do that. He's being propped up by the super-rich as a rodeo clown to distract and confuse people, and he clearly enjoys his position. It comes back to my original question of who can take him seriously.

I don't normally pay attention to Bob Greene's shallow Sunday editorials on CNN, but his article today about Life magazine in 1955 offered perspective. Back then, we were told how happy and united we all were, even though some people were clearly unhappy. Today, we're told how unhappy and disunited we all are, even though there are contrary indicators all around us. It's a narrative being sold, and we don't need to buy it.

Tony Peters | August 29, 2010
I honestly don't pay much attention to Beck....I watched one show and found him to be.......well there was nothing that that he sad or did that I wanted to see any more of so I haven't watched him since

Amy Austin | August 30, 2010
I could be so eloquent and gracious, as Scott has done with pure aplomb... but no. I can't. Glenn Beck is such a fucking piece of money-grubbing shit and I just simply don't find it worth my time to exercise my more erudite vocabulary on him.

Just *tonight* -- over dinner with friends -- was I saying that once upon a time, I thought Rush was the sleaziest media personality alive... but Beck just has him beat. However, I will say this: I disagree with the assessment that Rush believes all, or even *most*, of the crap spewing out his cakehole. The only reason you think this is because he's a slightly better actor than that crapcake of a "rodeo clown" Glenn Peckerhead and also... (according to some, anyway) a slightly likable fellow underneath all that right-wing radio hot air:

Matthews: Do Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity Honestly Believe What They Say?

You know I get along with Sean when I see him. I like the guy. He's a likable guy, and people like Hannity. And I get along with Limbaugh as well. I don't know Beck at all. I have more of a problem with him because I think he is something else.

interesting net forum debate

Jackie Mason | September 1, 2010
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Scott Hardie | April 7, 2011
That was fast: Less than a year after his rally on the National Mall, Glenn Beck's show has been canceled due to low ratings. Which classic Beckism will you remember most?

Jackie Mason | April 10, 2011
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