Scott Hardie | February 23, 2004
Six years and 322 goos after it began, the goo game is stronger than ever. I don't know what it is you people love about this simple little game, but you keep coming back for more. Thank you.

I also offer my congratulations to Aaron Fischer on being the second inductee to the Hall of Fame. He more than deserves it.

I invite you to leave your own comments.

Anna Gregoline | February 23, 2004
Happy Birthday, Goo Game! You are Scott's simplest game, and therefore the easiest to play. Well, er...not really anymore for me. But we've had fun.

Lori Lancaster | February 23, 2004
[hidden by request]

Erik Bates | February 25, 2004
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | February 25, 2004
Not me, man. That would mean I'd have to wear the same dress every day.

Scott Hardie | February 25, 2004
And why the hell are my clothes all stained red? What, I don't know how to separate laundry loads?

Lori Lancaster | February 26, 2004
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | February 26, 2004
Yeah, but Smurfs don't get it on - they "appear" or something. I remember some bizarre creation myth, but I suppose if you have to explain tiny blue creatures that wear white pants and hats and live in a structured society of almost all males, you have to come up with something.

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