Anna Gregoline | August 10, 2004
Should the government subsidize our Olympic teams? Why or why not?

Scott Hardie | August 11, 2004
Do other countries subsidize theirs?

Erik Bates | August 11, 2004
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John Viola | August 11, 2004
So no US olympic althetes have used or do use roids?

Erik Bates | August 12, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | August 12, 2004
Am I the only one who finds the Olympics just a tad bizarre?

John Viola | August 12, 2004
Bizarre in what way? Just because Mary Lou Retin was a bizarre little person doens't necessarily mean the Olympics are bizarre as a whole.

BTW, when you say bizarre, it makes me think of a Circus. Come see the greatest show on Earth!

Anna Gregoline | August 12, 2004
Bizarre as in that it's a little weird to have this worldwide competition to see who can jump the farthest, swim the fastest, etc.?

Scott Horowitz | August 12, 2004
I don't think the Olympics are about sports. It's about bringing the world together in a peacefull manor.. It is like our athletes are ambassadors for our country, and they interact with the others to get to understand their cultures better

Scott Hardie | August 12, 2004
Yeah. It's also about sponsorship. Would NBC even air the Olympics if they didn't get tens of millions of dollars of revenue from it? The common good does not come first. (Where did this trend of anti-capitalism on TC start? Was it John Viola?)

Melissa Erin | August 12, 2004
[hidden by request]

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