Scott Hardie | January 14, 2019
if you had to pick one, what day of your life would you want to live over and over?

Samir Mehta | January 14, 2019
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Scott Hardie | January 15, 2019
In my mind I was thinking the latter, but I didn't think long enough about the title to realize that it would hint towards the former. Honestly, either answer is fine, whatever the question provokes in you.

Erik Bates | February 22, 2019
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Scott Hardie | February 23, 2019
Yeah, I can't imagine a day so "perfect" that I wouldn't eventually get tired of the repetition. But if I was not aware of the repetition, and I was enjoying the day anew each time, I can think of a number of candidates, from happy times in my youth to my wedding and honeymoon a few years ago. Heck, even GooCons come to mind as happy days that I wouldn't mind repeating.

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