Justin Woods | August 7, 2011
Happy Birthday old man, hope you have good one.

Chris Lemler | August 7, 2011
Happy Birthday Richard

Steve West | August 7, 2011
Get down and give me twenty just to show you stil can! Oh, screw it. It's your birthday, order some flunky to do it for you. Happy Birthday!

Richard Slominsky | August 8, 2011
Matter of fact I did have to do push ups, sit ups and run today. Thank you. They say that the fifties are today's forties.

Richard Slominsky | August 8, 2011
I just flew into Washington DC this evening also

Steve West | August 8, 2011
Cool man. Let's just just save that birthday wish for 60 then! Enjoy DC despite the weather. It was predicted to rain like Noah all week but the latest forecast calls for mostly sun.

Justin Woods | August 8, 2011
I guess your doing your leap training? Enjoy!

Jon Berry | August 12, 2011
Feliz Cumpleanos!

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