Scott Hardie | December 17, 2004
I had some enjoyable assignments during my liberal-arts college education, but diagnosing this fictional character (link) would have been really fun.

So who else from popular culture and lowbrow literature is worth such consideration? I'd be happy to read a psychiatric diagnosis of Batman if anybody would care to attempt one. Toss in other characters if you'd like.

Anna Gregoline | December 17, 2004
Well, Batman is kind of acting out childhood fantasies, since he was powerless to stop his parents from being killed, and so he takes on a superhero persona to fight crime the way he couldn't when he was a kid.

Erik Bates | December 17, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | December 17, 2004

Amy Austin | December 17, 2004
I think what he means is that whereas Gollum is a nut case just waiting to be cracked, Batman's psychological history is already laid out for us, thereby diminishing the "funny factor"...

Erik Bates | December 17, 2004
[hidden by request]

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