Scott Hardie | January 9, 2002
If you get car sick in a car, air sick in a plane, motion sickness when you're moving, why do you only get home sick when you're not home? I don't know, but I am not home sick, because I am home.

I made it alive and mostly well after a long drive. In the summer of 2000 I did the Sarasota-Peoria commute in 27 hours; this time I did Sarasota-Macomb in 31. I don't want to eat McDonald's again until the next drive.

Homecoming was not sweet. The good point was seeing Kelly again, which was worth the three-week wait. The bad points:

- The house is completely rearranged, not just a little bit like Kelly said. (See the "moving furniture" entry, two previous, for more info.) I am very, very unhappy about this. Kelly won't listen to me explain my unhappiness because she feels hurt by it, and because she likes the new setup. I don't know, I think it could be the best furniture arrangement I've ever seen and I still wouldn't like it because I didn't choose it. I feel like people came into my home and rearranged all of my belongings and left before I returned, which is of course the case, except that Kelly invited them. I've got to put some of this stuff back. Our books are all mixed together. All of the electronics have inexplicably been moved to floor-level. There's awful-smelling potpourri in the living room. There's a phone in the bedroom! And where did the big pile of miscellaneous junk go? All over my desk.

- Mice. Within the first four hours, I saw or heard three of them. Fucking hell! They're everywhere! The device that we bought (it uses ultrasonic waves to drive them away) works, but only for the room where it's plugged in. I put it in the kitchen, there was one making noise in the bedroom. I put it in the bedroom, I saw one running across the office floor. Bah.

- Kelly wants me to wait before I go grocery shopping tomorrow, but there's no food here, and no beverages either. Hmmm. Not that it matters much; I'm out of money.

- Insomnia. It's why I'm up now. With a headache. And I want to sleep so badly.

Matthew Preston | January 9, 2002
You should go on ICQ when you can't sleep. I still have no job (but an interview at 1:30 tommorow) and I am on all the time during the night.

Scott Hardie | January 9, 2002
I do go on ICQ when I can't sleep. :-P It's good to see you around here again. Good luck on the interview.

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